Wow, what a great time! One of the best things about a herf is the opportunity to meet some great BOTLs -- and this herf filled that bill very well! It was a pleasure and an honor to meet all of you and I hope to see you all at another event sometime down the road.
For those that did not get a chance to attned, I will be returning to Idaho later this week and will post up some more pics (with names) at that time.
Thanks, Den and Shelly, for hosting this thing. I know it was a lot of work for you guys but I think everyone had a great time! Den, a man couldn't have a better bro. :love:
Erick/HBS, you, Jen and your family put on a great pig roast and meal. Totally awesome! Thanks again for the Shark... I'll fire it up in your honor at the next weekly CP poker game.
Shane/Shooter -- Sorry (okay, not really) about pulling that 6 on the turn. It made my A-6 just a bit better than your A-7, and "I am not f*cking kidding you!" Lots of love to you, bro.
Dan/ddepaola -- It was a pleasure to finally meet you and play a game in person. I'm glad I wasn't at your table on Saturday night! If you ever make it out to Boise, you've got a place to stay. Take care and I hope to see you again soon.
Rob/Cookie -- It was good to meet you again, and I hope to meet up with you again at some time. You've got a great looking family there -- I know, they look like their mother!
Carl/Junkman56 -- Thanks for having Den and I over to your lovely house and for the great smoke! I'll give you a holler (we do that in WV) the next time I'm in WV.
Tim/Brewmeister -- It was good seeing you again! One question though --> where the heck did you go, brother???
Mark/N2Adventure -- It was a pleasure to finally meet you. Thanks for the great cigar! (In case anyone was wondering, Mark's just as nice in person as he is online.)
Dan/Mr. Wolf -- You did well for a newb at the poker table! It was nice to finally meet the man behind that great sig pic! Say "hey" to your wife and son for me!
Scot/cigardawg -- A complete and total pleasure meeting you and your lovely wife! I hope we can get together again in the not-too-distant-future for another herf or just a smoke on the porch.
Brian/Safecracker -- Not sure if you'll ever see this, but I'm glad we got a chance to meet. It was nice we could share some of the pain of being so close to Dennis. BTW - How did you and Miss Bernie "really" get along??? Inquiring minds (mine) want to know...
Ray/AVB -- It was great finally meeting the man behind the Cigar Girls! You're close enough to WV that we might even be able to meet again the next time I'm on the right coast. It's an opportunity I look forward to.
Jim/MrJingles -- I wish we could have talked more! What little time we spent was great, tho! Take care and I hope to see you again at a future herf.
Melski - Sorry for having to chase you around to take your pic, but the guys on here wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for being a great sport!
Ludwig/Alexgtp/gtphale/Shadow - You bastids missed a great time!