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Nice gesture! Didn't bother me that much though, picture was funnier than hell either way! Oh yeah, and thanks for having me in the pass! Can't wait to get it! :thumbs:
No, that picture was just plain disturbing. Scary. Wrong.

That is why it really deserved to win. Smokyballs just screwed up and set the rules to tight.

Not that I'm complaining mind you, we ALL benefitted from Brad's mistake :laugh:
Much too kind. I was just busting on you not thinking you needed or would do anything about it.
Ain't the way I play gentelmen. I honor what I say. I work in a cigar shop! If I yell fowl you will know it's fowl. I take care of my own and I don't Bullsh!T. Enjoy them guys, it's all good.
Smokyballs said:
I'm having an issue with getting a box for our pass. I will get it out tommorrow.Theorangeman's prize went out today and I will pm you with tracking tonight. AVB brought up a very good point about my contest. I did say joke. So I'm sending him and everyone(except Orangeman)a set of '26 #6 Madies.Sorry for the edit boys I don't have that many on hand!

Way over the top, man! Thanks for your generousity! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Just a sugestion, if you plan on sending everone these sticks, why not just throw them in the pass and save a bundle on shipping? Thanks again.
AVB - going for the technicality huh? By the way, I did include a joke as well - although not as vile as the pic. Just kiddin' AVB ;)

That is very generous of you Smoky! Looking forward to the pass as well as the prize!
The Pass Is Loose! I sent it out today! Drew should get it tommorrow.
usps 7004 0550 0000 7109 0769. The Padrons are in the pass. Take two everyone but the orangeman.
You think that pic was bad, how bout this one.


The guy in picture is named "Leslie" and he's a local celeb in Austin. Makes his living as a gay cross dressing homeless dude, that raises hell all over town. Supposedly came in third in an election for mayor.

He wears stuff like that everyday and hangs out all over central Austin. The guy is a real pain in the ass for the city.
Oh god,

I did not need to see that picture. Now I have to go find fake picures of naked Jessica Alba to reset my eyeballs.

Damn! I'm still grossed out.


I will be milling things over i kinda got swamped here at work then i will post my P/T's to everyones approval......that is all.
Excellent! Glad to hear that the pass is in full effect! I look forward to seeing what people give and take. :)
Hey Drew,

You still there??? I was expecting by this time, the box would be off to the 2nd person on the list. Let's keep this thing moving, or it will be next summer until I get it (and I'm 4th on the list). :0

I don't mean to pester ya' - but passes are much more fun for everyone involved if they keep moving. Also, when someone holds on to the box for a while, it can make the person who started this thing (such as Brad) awfully nervous. He's got a lot invested in that box!! Thanks, my man -

By the way, if anyone gets out of line, Brad instructed me that I can sick this guy (or whatever it is) on your asses (that ought to be motivating!!!)

theorangeman said:
By the way, if anyone gets out of line, Brad instructed me that I can sick this guy (or whatever it is) on your asses (that ought to be motivating!!!)


She's purty!

Reminds me of my sister.
Whoa there fella... don't let her good looks fool ya'. She can get down right ugly when she needs to.
theorangeman said:
Whoa there fella... don't let her good looks fool ya'. She can get down right ugly when she needs to.
Just like my sister :laugh:
Hey boys sorry about all the confusion the pass will be out tomorrow. Got a lil sidetracked sorry Brad(and others).......I will post the DC tommorrow.

As for my P/T's

Gurkha Legend
Ashton VSG Enchantment

Perdomo Estate Selection Regente
Montecristo Vintage '93 Club Cabinet #30
Henry Clay Rothchilde
I leave for Honduras Sunday morning at 6:30. OutlawD will be monitoring my pass while I'm Gone. Now be good and daddy will bring you boys back something nice.