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Baseball pool

s0ber said:
Sounds like it was rigged by CS and CC. At least my twins won game 1  (hopefully the marlins of last year) :p

my contribution to the CS/CC fund  :sign:

VSG torp
PAM - of some kind dunno yet
You kidding me? I'd say it was rigged by randy & Floyd. :sign:

This year's World Series will be the Astros and the Red Sox with the Sox winning it in seven ;) which kills me to say being the long time Astros fan that I am :(

The Yankme's will be lucky if they get by Minnesota and if they do, the Red Sox will eat 'em alive. The Angels are done, sorry vewy :( I do love the Angels for knocking Oakland out of the playoffs in the second to the last day of the season :sign:

Oh, my sticks are:
San Cristobal de la Habana El Morro
PAM 1964 Piramide
bfreebern said:
coventrycat86 said:
bfreebern said:
I find it amusing that CC got the Yankees......seeing how much he pushes for the Sox.

Enough to make ya sick isn't it?
AND I'm guessing you're voting for Kerry/Edwards? :p
Hey why not, nearly everyone else in Connecticut is, may as well follow the crowd :sign:

One would think that I have a huge advantage by getting "lucky" :lookup: drawing the winningest team in the history of baseball but this is not their year. See my reasoning in the previous post. And ya know what, if they prove me wrong, I get some free cigars but I'd rather have the Yankees LOSE then wind up with 14 awesome smokes :D
I can't believe how Minnesota had their foot on the Yankees' throats... and let them get away with a freebie. Well, no matter. That just means they'll have to face Santana again... game over.

As for the Angels... DAMN. They're going to be the first ones eliminated. I thought maybe Vlad was going to at least keep them competitive. Nope.
And to think if I could have picked a team... It would have been the Angels! Not because I think they would have won it all... but I've been a fan since the Nolan Ryan days! Never gamble with your heart :)
coventrycat86 said:
s0ber said:
Sounds like it was rigged by CS and CC. At least my twins won game 1  (hopefully the marlins of last year) :p

my contribution to the CS/CC fund  :sign:

VSG torp
PAM - of some kind dunno yet
You kidding me? I'd say it was rigged by randy & Floyd. :sign:

This year's World Series will be the Astros and the Red Sox with the Sox winning it in seven ;) which kills me to say being the long time Astros fan that I am :(

The Yankme's will be lucky if they get by Minnesota and if they do, the Red Sox will eat 'em alive. The Angels are done, sorry vewy :( I do love the Angels for knocking Oakland out of the playoffs in the second to the last day of the season :sign:

Oh, my sticks are:
San Cristobal de la Habana El Morro
PAM 1964 Piramide
oh yee of so little faith ,the Astros are going all the way :D

my sticks are

Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Torpedo
Padron 1926 # 1 Natural

randy :D
cohibasurfer said:
And to think if I could have picked a team... It would have been the Angels! Not because I think they would have won it all... but I've been a fan since the Nolan Ryan days! Never gamble with your heart :)
Trade ya? :)
World Series Winner Package:

Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Torpedo
Padron 1926 # 1 Natural

San Cristobal de la Habana El Morro
PAM 1964 Piramide

PAM Manarcas
Opus X RdC

PAN 64 Exclusivo
AVO 77 or an Opus of some sort

PAM '64 Principe (well, some sort of '64 PAM anyway)
Graycliff Professionale Presidente

VSG torp
PAM - of some kind dunno yet

Diplo #2
Opus Perf. X.

Diplo #2
Monte #2


Someone is going to be Sh$tin' in tall cotton! :D
cohibasurfer said:
World Series Winner Package:

Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Torpedo
Padron 1926 # 1 Natural

San Cristobal de la Habana El Morro
PAM 1964 Piramide

PAM Manarcas
Opus X RdC

PAN 64 Exclusivo
AVO 77 or an Opus of some sort

PAM '64 Principe (well, some sort of '64 PAM anyway)
Graycliff Professionale Presidente

VSG torp
PAM - of some kind dunno yet

Still waiting for REDSOX & DODGERS

This is looking goodaaaah!
DARN IT , I saw the " World Series Winner Package:" With my name right under it and I thought I had won allready :sign: oh well I guess waiting a little longer wont hurt me :D
oh yee of so little faith ,the Astros are going all the way

I would love nothing more in the world to have to send a package to Norton, KS at the conclusion of the World Series ;)

And Gibu, if you're reading this thread NO I don't mean you :D
dixieland_conjunction said:

I have the Braves :0 Are you serious?!

I'd rather lose ;) Not that I'd turn down the 'gars...:p

I have similar feelings about the Yankees :D
For those of you that are in hate with the teams you blindly drew. If you can find someone to swap you .... feel free to trade. Seriously. I don't see a problem if the trade is excepted by both parties.
I know if I had the Raiders in this senerio for football and they had the best chance to win it all. I would trade for a team with little chance just to root against the bastiges! :p
Yea, I'd like to see the Red Sox do well if for no other reason, to do away with the darn curse!

My sticks will be a Diplo #2 and an Opus Perf. X.

Sound alright with y'all!? :sign:

Floyd T.

PS: Good luck to everyone!
Heh, I doubt anyone will want to trade for a team already down 0-2 in the series. LOL. :D
Red Sox are just too tough. The Yankees will beat the Twinkies but will lose to the Red Sox. :thumbs:

Oh I mean :( gee gosh darn, go Yankees :lookup: so I can win some cigars :D
Didn't the Red Sox win more games against the Yankees this year than they lost?
1918 pal. Right after the first world war. Yanks own the Sox. The record doesn't matter.
