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Back to the Basics Boxpass

Hey Matt:

1. You're already stuck - no backing out now
2. You don't have to re-type the entire list, just hand-write your Puts & Takes.
3. You're still stuck, you still can't back out.
4. Did I mention there's no backing out now?

Dave :D
Dave LMAO :p

I guess this pass is coming your way Matt one way or another  :D
OK, if I'm in I'm in.LOL But, I AM going to steal your Sharpie! :0
Matt ROTFLMAO I just knew that was going to be your next response :D
I think we should each put a shiny new sharpie in the Bonus Box before sending it out. That way Brother Dave will have plenty of them next time!! :D :p :thumbs:
I think I'm going to ship him a whole pallet of them. ;)
Ya know, Dave has very nice tupperware! I could really use a new one that is big! I'm a big guy and when I pack a lunch, I like a big tupperware container. I have one that I could swap but it's stained with spaghetti sauce, chili, etc.!


Did I mention that I'm low on baggies?

Ok, since you guys seem to have a problem following rules, here're the new rules.

Steal the sharpie
Steal the bags
Steal the tupperware
Steal the bubblewrap
Heck, Steal the BOX!
Give me ALL your worst dog rockets

I knew I was gonna catch some flack for repeating the rules, but GEEZ!

Hey Brat, getting a little slow on the posts there, bud!!!!


:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Looks like a great pass you got going here Dave.
I'm ready...... :thumbs: :thumbs:
Aw come on Dave, you KNOW you feel the :love: my Brother!!!!

LeeBo buddy, I had to go out to a Upmann Tasing at my local shop, free Robusto, how could I pass it up? I'll try to catch up
Speaking of Upmann's...I have a box of 10 Churchill Tubo's on the way back to JR's cause they were almost all moldy, and most were cracked and chipped from over-humidification. :angry:

Just another quick update... If things go as planned, FireMedic43 is having a garage sale this weekend, so I'm gonna try and track him down and hand it off to him.

Also, I just pulled a few more cigars out of the deep depths of the cooler. I'll post what they are later - we're getting ready to run out the door. Suffice it to say, I saw things like Cohiba, Opus, PAM, various ISOMs - you know, the little stuff I keep hidden from prying eyes (Hey, there's gotta be something in there for Devin! ).

Catch ya later,
Dave :cool:
I don't think Devin would want anything in my humi!

Now I on the other hand love what's in there!!

Still a novice, though..........I'll be a pro one day......