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Back in YOUR newbness

<Sigh> I remember fondly my Newb days. Everything felt so, so, so.....new.

It doesn't really seem like all that long ago either, but I joined CP not long after taking up cigars with a purpose and I bought my first full box of cigars about a month after joining CP.

Ahhh, those were the days

I bought several bundles of cigars shortly after my start. My first box was almost a year after discovering cigars. I still am very patient in buying a whole box...I have to really love a stick to buy a whole box. In the beginning I bought a lot of singles and fivers to figure out where my tastes were.
I started out with fivers and bundles from the devil site when I joined. About 4-5 months later I got my first 2 boxes: Devil's Weed; then Hemi's, then Oliva, then VSG, then...then.....IT NEVER ENDS!!!!! :0 :sign:

I'm still not a big box buyer; I like to get a mixed fiver every Friday at the B&M I've frequented for about the last 5 years now and hang out in the lounge. But I do remember my first box purchase: RP Vintage '92. WhiteAsh had a killer sale online and I bought one box and then split a second box with a friend in Houston. Guess that would've been around '03 or so.

Been a few boxes since then, but not really that many. Maybe a dozen or so.

how long before you made your first box purchase?

I'm just a singles hitter so far, still waiting for that one smoke that makes me go, "DAMN" gotta have a box of these! :cool:

I still haven't.
Eventually, I get tired of everything. I prefer alot of variety.
I'd rather purchase 4 or 5 various fivers.

Also, I aints gots no monies to be buying 4 or 5 various boxes. And yes, it is probably cheaper in the long run to buy boxes. Boxes would also aid in long term aging... but meh.
Man, you're making me think hard on this one.
I'm going to say it was probabaly a box of Villazon Punch Double Corona, or El Rey del Mundo Robusto.
I can't really say how long I was smoking cigars before my first purchase, maybe a month or two.

I do remember that I tried a lot of differant brands for a short while before falling in love with Joya de Nicaragua.
A Robusto, in a Maduro Wrapper, that came in a scalloped box.
This was my favorite cigar 20 or so years ago.
After dabbling for the last half of 2007, I started regularly buying cigars in January this year. My first box purchased was DPG Black Perlas and that was in July, followed pretty closely by Padron 2000 Maduro, Cabaiguan Guapo RX, and then most recently Oliva Serie V double robusto. I most buy bundles and 5ers as I don't have a whole lot of room. But as much as I love variety and having lots of different smokes to choose from, there is really nothing like getting a new box of cigars.
That one's easy: Partagas Mille Fleurs. I've bought a few since too :)

Technically, Angel 100 is a boxed cigar, but I bought a bundle of 20 from Larry Lynn during the 3 weeks he had them in stock. I just bought a few more. Yay me.
first box purchase was of a box of CAO brazillias and i still tend to keep a bo on hand at most times. one of my old favorites.
My first box purchase was around the end of October '07. No more box purchases until late December. That's when the dam broke, so to speak.
Been smoking cigars for about a year and a half now. Joined CP about 2 months after I started smoking. I have never bought a box, 1 reason is I do not have the room. 90% of the cigars I purchase come from CP members or the fine vendors that we have here. Looking to set up a cooler soon so I can get a box or 12 into deep storage.

My first box was purchased during that dark time known as "The Boom," when, believe it or not, whole boxes of decent cigars were not always easy to find around here. A ten ct box of Partagas No.10s, it was. Second box was AF 858s.
My first box was actually 2 boxes - I was getting married and in the Caribbean - went to a reputable local B&M recommended my our concierge in the DR. Bought a box of Cohiba SIGs & a box of Olar Del Cibao churchills...none of them made it back to thr states after 10 days (we had 27 guests with us so I had to share). After that I stopped buying boxes and go for the sample packs, or singles...then when I cam across this website, my humidor quickly began to build and as I learned, there are a lot of cigars better tham the cubans, I still smoke them once in a while if I get gifted or bomb'ed with one, but I don't go out of my way for them. TMI I know - sorry!
I started in the beginning of 2006, I had a Cohiba Robusto and an hour later a Tatuaje Brown label Regios and fell in love. About a week later I went to Draper's in DC and bought a box. From then to Aug of 2007 I mostly bought singles. I joined CP in August and from then on it was boxes and boxes. :D You gotta love CP.
About 1 month into regular smoking I had a VSG Tres Mystique. Got a box a few weeks later.
My first box was in June right after my daughter was born. They were Cohiba Robustos purchased from a local B&M that after lighting up the first one I realized were as fake as a 3 dollar bill. That led me online, and the discovery of message boards and online vendors. I made my first "real" purchase shortly after which were a box of Monte 2's. Then I discovered CP! Since that time there has been a steady drain on my bank account starting with a cabinet humidor, and box after box trying to fill it. The fun part has been explaining to the Mrs. the packages showing up on my doorstep each day! :D
I think it was a box of AF Sungrown Double Chateau, maybe a few months before I joined CP. For me it wasn't about finding a stick good enough to want a box, it was about finally having the humidor space to start buying boxes. My 150qt cooler and I have been together for five wonderful years.