No!!! ISOM's are not better. Sure, there are exceptions to this. But honestly, I don't want to wait 3-5 years for a cigar to hit its stride. If you do your homework, there are many fine NC cigars that are and will be better than 2/3's of all Habana's. Time will tell about the newer Habanas. Funny thing is, the 98 releases of most vitolas aaare sublime.

The question is fundamentally flawed. Ask yourself this:

Are French wines really the best?

Is Belgian beer really the best?

It's just really silly to treat a wide range of product from a country as a monolithic entity.
moki said:
No German beer is
Not totally flawed. Isn't Scotch better than Japanese whiskey? But overall I agree, the focus should be narrowed down to exactly one cigar vs another.

The question is fundamentally flawed. Ask yourself this:

Are French wines really the best?

Is Belgian beer really the best?

It's just really silly to treat a wide range of product from a country as a monolithic entity.
after spending many years going to cuba, this last trip it all become very clear.there are basicly two types of cuban cigar those made in havana and those made in the out lining districts.
there are more then 50 factoies in cuba, 5 in havana 'they just closed one to make it a storge facity.
if cubans can't come the US they want to live in havana,there fore all the best roller and factory personal are in havana factories. they have the largest ,best facilities get the best materials to work with..every thing the best.

so habanos found a few yewars ago it had a problem ,most noligable people wanted only products from the havana factories, so began the big factory code mess, they did not want anyone to know what factory producded what box. they are currently changing codes once or twice a month all randuim and meaning less.

the habanas dealers have a problem in the fact they buy in masterboxes and habanos mixes up the boxes so it is from a verity of factories. this is why you can get a great cigar or just a good one.

the ideal situation would be to get only havanas, then you are truly smoking the best cigar in the world
Did you get any codes from the main Havana factories while you were there Vitsea???
AVB said:
No German beer is
Not totally flawed. Isn't Scotch better than Japanese whiskey?  But overall I agree, the focus should be narrowed down to exactly one cigar vs another.

French wines are not selling well, despite increased consumption world-wide. That aside, while some French wines are excellent, others are terrible -- and many Napa, Chilean, Australian, Spanish, Italian, etc. wines are more than worthy competition.

Deciding what is a good product based on country of origin makes zero sense. Let your tastebuds do the walking; there's a wide range of tastes in Cuban cigars, and you will not like them all.
vitasea said:
after spending many years going to cuba, this last trip it all become very clear.there are basicly two types of cuban cigar those made in havana and those made in the out lining districts.
there are more then 50 factoies in cuba, 5 in havana 'they just closed one to make it a storge facity.
if cubans can't come the US they want to live in havana,there fore all the best roller and factory personal are in havana factories. they have the largest ,best facilities get the best materials to work with..every thing the best.

so habanos found a few yewars ago it had a problem ,most noligable people wanted only products from the havana factories, so began the big factory code mess, they did not want anyone to know what factory producded what box. they are currently changing codes once or twice a month all randuim and meaning less.

the habanas dealers have a problem in the fact they buy in masterboxes and habanos mixes up the boxes so it is from a verity of factories. this is why you can get a great cigar or just a good one.

the ideal situation would be to get only havanas, then you are truly smoking the best cigar in the world

where has he been? :laugh:
moki said:
AVB said:
No German beer is
Not totally flawed. Isn't Scotch better than Japanese whiskey?  But overall I agree, the focus should be narrowed down to exactly one cigar vs another.

French wines are not selling well, despite increased consumption world-wide. That aside, while some French wines are excellent, others are terrible -- and many Napa, Chilean, Australian, Spanish, Italian, etc. wines are more than worthy competition.

Deciding what is a good product based on country of origin makes zero sense. Let your tastebuds do the walking; there's a wide range of tastes in Cuban cigars, and you will not like them all.

Nothing like some 2-Buck-Chuck for a wine :p Cheap and gooda :thumbs:
moki said:
Deciding what is a good product based on country of origin makes zero sense. Let your tastebuds do the walking; there's a wide range of tastes in Cuban cigars, and you will not like them all.

So very true. But I can say that every thing that I have tried from Cuba is fantastic. Better than most, if not all, NCs IMHO. I have over 30 different boxes of ISOMs of all different kinds and sizes and I love them all, even the Quinteros. I am so taken by the flavor of these cigars that my collection will surely not stop growing. And if you wonder that I just haven't tried enough NCs, let me just tell you that my ISOM collection pales in comparison to my NC collection. I have tried hundreds of different kinds of cigars and I tend to like Cubans the best. But of course, my goal is to try every cigar out there period, good or bad. Yeah right! Wish I had that much time!!
cvmfour said:
Did you get any codes from the main Havana factories while you were there Vitsea???
the only two i can tell for sur is
FEB 05 romeo y jul

FEB 05 parigas
both in havana, as i bought some boxes from them
like i said earier the factoy codes are now meaningless as they are changed constently, even the date is only when they stamped the boxes,the cigar could have benn made that month or even a year or two earlier

hope this helps
I think I will be naturally "specializing" in Havanas since those are so easy for me to get. So far what I've had, many non-ISOMs are just as good or better. Of course I'm always wanting to try anything new :D Do the box dates really work like that? It seems really odd to me ???
Lemon said:
I think I will be naturally "specializing" in Havanas since those are so easy for me to get. So far what I've had, many non-ISOMs are just as good or better. Of course I'm always wanting to try anything new :D Do the box dates really work like that? It seems really odd to me ???

you don't know that you are getting "havanas" there are over 50 factories in cuba and only five are in havana.
the way it works is this, the rollers do there thing and set the cigars in racks then a quality control person counts them, each roller has a daily quota if exceeded they get bonuses. one roller i know only rolls torpedos one of the hardest and his quota is 110 cigars a day, he is quite good and genesrally rolles 140 -150 a day for this he makes abut 40$ a month almost double wages.

the cigars are then taken to a room, because they are usually wetter then normal were the are sorted in about 6 different colors and bundled in 25 and but in the proper bins.they will set and condition and be fumigated for several weeks or so.

the next step is to a color expert who resorts the cigars ,there are 60 diff shades i am told,they are then banded and boxed. the flat boxes are then put in presses,which is why they are almost square when you open a box,not a wooden box though. then stored.

as orders are recieved the boxes are then decoraated with the stamps and stickers and stamped with the current codes and date

at varuious stages the cigar can set for weeks months or even a year be fore the date is put on the bottom of the box

hope this explains the process,writing is not one of my talents
Thanks for the info. When I say Havanas, I pretty much mean the Cuban brands, which taste a certain way :)