Cub-Ern cee-gars are ill eagle. Than-K goodness, my dear departed father, OLD Sam The Man, took a tip from J.F.K. and stocked up on all those pre-Castro stogies, circus 1959. Darn that ole' Castro, commie, pinko, bastid! It's deprivation, that's what it is! I am deprived of Cub-ern cee-gars, Cub-ern coffee, Cub-ern Rum, and some of the women are pretttty sharp too.
Oh, the shame of it! Can't write my Senator - it used to be Jesse Helms. He was the rascal who wanted to nuke them, until he figured out that nuking Havana would be an improvement to their present living conditions. LOL! They put a pig valve in his heart and he hasn't been right since. Come to think of it, he wasn't right* before that either! LOL! Maybe Mrs. Elizabeth Doles can do a little sumthin sumthin for me, and help me to enjoy those Cuban dee-lites.
Sam :sign:
* Footnote: For the Southern linguistic impaired. "Right" in Southern venacular means SANE when used in this context. Now back to your local programming!