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Ok, this topic started ages ago so perhaps I should start a new thread but here goes my 10 cents worth.

I have been smoking cigars for two or three years and am still trying out the basics that everyone else seems to already know about ( Just tacked on 2 monte number 2's to a group purchase I'm doing ). I get sucked into too many of those butique brands I guess, but I digress. I also read on the subject some from time to time and its hard to argue with the fact that there is good and bad produced everywhere. A person could generalize though that ISOMS are traditionally stronger so a person that enjoys stronger smokes will love a strong smooth ISOM as many will be. Personally I like milder cigars in general but always up to try things new, but I digress again.

Its very hard to deny though that Cubas woes have lead them to terribly over produce in the persuit of hard currency causing a lot of problems in the cigar lines, IE no time for aging, and poor construction particularly too tight draws. I have never had a dealer sugest against a non-cuban stick but have had more then one refuse to sell an ISOM because the quality wasn't as expected.

This would contrast to the non-ISOMs that have been working extreamly hard to overcome the cubans reputation and have an advantage in diversity that comes from drawing on resources from the rest of the entire world. ( Diversity wouldn't nesesarily be seen as advantage to a pure traditionalist though. )

What does all this boil down to then??


If you like tradional ISOMs then its true there is litterally nothing like them, for good or bad. If you like a wider range then there is noway ISOMs will fit the bill, they can't.

Just as a side story to illustrate the point. When I first started smoking hand mades I read everything I could find on the subject and was in aw of the ISOMs. I had just smoked an Ashton Cabinet Select I loved and was wanting an ISOM for my birthday so I placed an order. The guy discuraged me from the COhiba esplendidos I wanted and refused the Cohiba Siglo 4 I think it was because he was getting to many back. I got an order in though and had both an esplendidos and a monte robusto maduro limited edition that he threw in for free. The Cohiba was just OK and the Monte was too strong to be fun to somebody so new to cigars and overall I was very disapointed. I have had ISOMs I have liked very much since then, but I will never forget just how poorly they lived up to all the hype that very first time.

My advise is to keep trying everything you can as long as you can and don't be complacent with the same old things. Your great next memorable smoke may be tomarrow no matter where it happens to be from.
gibu said:
A person could generalize though that ISOMS are traditionally stronger so a person that enjoys stronger smokes will love a strong smooth ISOM as many will be.
I know for a fact that this isn't true. My good buddy Mountain Passer loves strong cigars. He smokes OpusX, VSG, Partagas Black, Dark Sumatra and anything with the word "Fuerte" in it. But he doesn't like Cubans. Just doesn't like the taste.

Also, I'm not sure that ISOMs are in general stronger. There are many different blends and some are strong and some are mild. I think Habanas display the same spectrum as cigars from anywhere else. I think a lot of the ones you hear about may tend to be stronger (Monte #2, Cohiba, Partagas SD4, BBF, etc.). But this is why you hear a lot about them. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of mild-to-medium Habanas: Quai d'Orsay, ERDM Choix Supreme, most Hoyos, etc.
You make a good point, and there is definatly a reason why a person shouldn't generalize on any subject if they can at all help it.

There is a traditional cuban flavor though. A flavor they are known for. Thats why the stronger ones are the better known ones, they are more traditional. There are exceptions to every rule and there is a certain amount of diversity in everything no matter what the subject may be. Tell me though how many Cuban or nothing type people do you know that just smoke mostly Foncecas for instance. I have yet to meet a devout cuban smoker that doesnt have a certain level of love for strong stogies.

As far as some making cigars stronger then cubans, it is only natural that with the wide range of resources the rest of the world has to draw apon their will be some much stronger then any Cubans. By saying Cubans are stronger, that was the biggest generalization of all. After all, how many Macanudos are sold in this country. Why is candela also known as US market grade or what ever the exact wording is.

A topic like "Are Cubans Really Better?" is just dying to suck a person into generalization traps. The topic its self is a generalization after all.

I understand what your saying, and I just want to emphasize that every person is different and has to make their own decisions on the subject. After all, smoking cigs is fun, so just smoke em all then decide. :D
LMAO!! I didn't realize that this thread has been floating around for two years! Well, the answers to some questions are worth waiting for, eh Sam?
Well despite this topic being around for a couple of years now and the fact the original poster has the questions to his answers, a newbie 2 cents worth...

Though my experience has expanded a lot in the domestic market, when it comes to ISOM's I am still very much of a newbie. I have had tried some of what is considered the best - including a PSDN4, a Montecristo Robusto Millenium Habonos, some Pancho Sanza that were unreal and lately El Edntes (OMG how good!) and some Por Larranaga cabs (not overly impressed but bad either) and a handful of singles here and there.

While the ISOM's that I have had were undoubtedly great cigars, and amongst some of the higher rated cigars I have had would indicate to me from just "looking at the stats" that cuban cigars are better. However, that isn't what I "feel" about cuban cigars.

True they are awesome from what I have experienced and they do seem to have a special characteristic that I absolutely love. But as some pointed out it comes down to price and supply and availability of that supply. For myself, as much as I like a good ISOM, the fact is I still enjoy the domestics and every month I seem to narrow down even more on what I like and perfer over each other.

I am positive that even if ISOM cigars were widely available here in the US and in the same price range as the domestics that I smoke, I might end up smoking more cuban than domestics - but I don't see myself being exclusive to only cubans. I simply enjoy a lot of domestics too much that have their own unique tastes and characteristics.

For now, my ISOM collection falls into 3 categories: single stick try-outs, "in the mood" cigars and "special occassion" cigars. Which is pretty much how I divide up my domestic collection as well. So in the end, for myself, ISOM cigars are another option for me when I go to my humi - true they do tend to be "better" but sometimes I am just as content or would perfer a domestic over an ISOM. It depends on the flavor and the experience I am looking for.

As a side note, I will add that on the occassion that I have a morning cigar - nothing, I mean nothing beats an ISOM with coffee in the morning.

Anyway that was my 2 cents.


When I first started smoking cigars one of the things I told myslef is that I thought it would be nice to try a Cuban cigar. I held onto that thought for quite a few years as I didnt even have a thought to look on the internet for dealers and also knew that many Cuban smokes sold in the U.S. a faker than a 3 $ Bill. One day I was online and got to chatting with a few people, yadda yadda yadda. I got some Cuban cigars.

I smoked a few and WOW they were great!!! I was making up all kinds of crap about the different flavors and how the friggin body of the smoke would change bla bla bla. Geez, what a dumbass!! I honestly think that all the hype helped me trick myself into thinking the smokes tasted exactly like CA mags said they would. Then I got a few good coneections and started filling up my humidors with a few boxes (I think ISOM RULES at this point). I started tossing those into my regular lineup and they just didnt taste the same after that. The aura surounding the cigars were gone. they were attainable. I started to realize that CA was a bunch of BS and that the TOP smokes were usually pretty good but you couldnt count out any of the other ones and hell there are smokes (I have never really checked out there website for any length of time) that I like they rated crappy.

Anyway, I traded away most of my smokes for a very large variety of singles in many, very stupid trades that did however leave me with a good knowledge of what I didnt like. I did find a few ISOM sticks that I did like, but knew that there was much more to really learn about them. I did a few splits with a buddy of mine and thought I should really look for a forum to talk with folks about good isom's. I found a few before CP but honestly I found all of them within a month and only had a few posts at each when I found this place and I just sorta stuck around here. I think that is Joe M's fault for the great into.....you ask one question JEEEZZZZ. LMAO.

Here I learned about ISOM, this place alone in a very few short months has expanded my knowledge of cigars in general beyond my wildest dreams. I honestly have gained 150% in my enjoyment of cigars and most of this goes to ISOM. I knew about many of the major domestic cigars there were to be had, but honestly I had no idea when it came to ISOM........

So my humidors/collidors are filled with many ISOM's (2/3 now) and a lot (the other 1/3) domestic PAM, OPUS, ANEJO, HEMMI, DON CARLOS, VSG, SG FUENTES, to name a few. My ISOM I won't really get into but you can check my profile if you wanna get a general idea of what I like cause that is what is in my humi + a ton of smokes I got out of passes from this place. So I still got TONS of ISOM to try.

Anyway the answer to the question is HELL YA!!!! Cuba smokes are addicting as hell and I honestly go on binges where I don't smoke anything but for weeks at a time. Now after writing all this I am gonna go and fire up a Cohiba Selection Reserva Corona Media (recomended by a buddy)

That Cohiba SR coronas medias sounds yummy!!! :p

I always agree that the best cigar in the world is the one you enjoy. Whatever floats your boat!! :thumbs:
To answer the original question:


BUT, I qualify that with that is MY preference. There are some who think high end Fuentes are better than Havanas :lookup: and that's okay for them but not for me.

Dino said it best:
I always agree that the best cigar in the world is the one you enjoy. Whatever floats your boat!!

I had my first ISOM about a year ago, and have only smoked a handful of Doms since. The ISOMs definnitely have a strong mental appeal that may actually transcend the actual taste of the cigar, that makes the experience more than it is sometimes....JMHO....Like was said before the best cigar in the world is one you enjoy...Cigars are made for smokin'....ISOMs are my favorites today, and I personally don't like the really strong smokes that leave you spinning...I also haven't been smoking cigars for much more than a year either, so I am a for sure FNG!!!!

Just $.02 from a noobler!!

A year later from my original post... I have a lot more experience in ISOM's. I was told once how I would probably end up with more ISOM cigars than domestic and I remember laughing about that just knowing it wouldn't - couldn't come true. Well today I have a lot more ISOM's than domestics and my smoking habits this last year has included me smoking about 3-4 ISOM's for every domestic I smoke.

The answer to the original question for me now is: hell yes.

Next step: get to the point I can smoke nothing but ISOM's unless for some reason I am really in that mood. I will still buy domestics here and there, but I now know that attaining a level of nothing but ISOM IS possible. Next step after that will be the true elitist plateau ;) but that's still awhile down the road.

That Cohiba SR coronas medias sounds yummy!!! :p

I always agree that the best cigar in the world is the one you enjoy. Whatever floats your boat!! :thumbs:
:0 Yep, I think I am becomming an addict. First the Coronas Especial, then I like that so much I split, and Now I am allready into that!!!! I will say that the Corona Media has been the best size so far IMO, but those are the only 2 sizes I have had to date.

BAD PHIL!!!!!! :angry: :angry:


As for the part I bolded, I don't think anyone could have put that better dino. I will say I think this is funny comming from a TOTAL ISOM SNOB!!!!!!! I remember when I first met Dino I thought he was friggin Castro in disguise!!! LMAO!!!

SAM - Your a snob at heart bro!! Straight up!! Won't take anything more than a lot of time and money (Did someone say Davi?). You'll have your nose so high up in the air I might have to jump up and slap you in the back of the head so's you can look down and see me.

WAIT!!!!! Is that an OR your smoking??????? :p :p :p :p :p :p

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! :sneaky: :sneaky:
Phil, if you liked the CE and the MC SRs, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT get any of the robusto SRs. ;)
Matt R said:
Phil, if you liked the CE and the MC SRs, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT get any of the robusto SRs. ;)
:0 :0 :0 :0 :0

Uh Oh.................................................

Some of those came with the split too!!!

I have them in the coolidor to prevent easy acess, although I was thinking about pulling one out and having it in a couple of weeks. Now you got me curious Matt! Gonna have to try one of those sooner than later.

...ISOM n0Ob, checking in here.... :laugh:

I've had a few, and they are....different. Were they the "best" I've ever smoked...? Hard to say; I could (and have) poured a glass of some high dollar flawlessly aged Cabernet for a non-wine drinker and get a "....eh, not for me..." reaction. I suppose ISOM's are the same, to some degree.

No question that for complexity of flavor, etc. they were by far the most interesting sticks I've ever had the pleasure of smoking. I have a small bunch of ISOM treasure in the cooler, getting some "down time" in anticipation of being smoked. I've really liked the ones I have and am working on getting a few more put away... :thumbs:

Their flavor is distinct and complex; never duplicated in my experience. I will say this - out of the three gars I've had that were plugged so badly they would not draw, every one has been an ISOM. Not sure why as my humis are kept in the 63-68% range without fail...and other sticks in the same humi smoke perfectly.

When you get a "good one"....they are like cigar heaven. That, it seems, is the challenge.... :cool:

Wow, :0 there are alot of lonng winded answers here!! I would have to give a resounding HEll YES :D !!! Although, I don't think that Cubans are the strongest cigars out there they are definetly the best :thumbs: IMHO. I am thoroughly and hopelessly addicted to them :whistling: !!
interesting statement...
you buy ISOM's cheaper than non-ISOM's !!

I need to find where you shop...
can somebody follow him around for a few weeks, and report back?? :D

PaulMac said:
I don't where you get ISOMs Puros man, but I often find them to be cheaper than non ISOM's, just gotta find the right place I guess
I've been smoking cigars for about 2 years now the first year I hardly ever smoked an ISOM, I really enjoyed AF Hemmingways and high end Non ISOMs, but for the last year I have smoked almost exclusively ISOMs and I can tell you for my tastes the ISOM's are absolutely the best.Now that is not to say that NON ISOMs arent any good, I smoked a PAM 26 #6 last nite and it was awsome, but for the most part NON ISOMs just dont do it for me anymore.