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All Grown Up Pass!

coventrycat86 said:
I hope PG can squeeze you in Dixie, what's a maduro pass with out Dixie? :D
Hehe, that's what I'm screaming over here :sign:

And PG DID let me, so no worries :thumbs:

I know this is pretty late in the game but If you'll have me I'll volunteer. I have a policy of not being in more than one pass at once and I'm gonna send out the pass I'm in tonight.

I have a policy of not being in more than one pass at once

Awwwwwwww Lumberg!!!! How come? You can miss out on some good passes that way :(

I'm in four right now and three of them hit this week, Wednesday, Friday & I expect one tomorrow. :)

PG, gotta pull out of this pass. I'm all passed out (literally and figuratively). ???

Wish this past the best (as I do all the passes here). Looks like an awesome one. :thumbs:
Maybe with my new supply of JR Ultimate Sungrowns coming in I could get in on this Pass. Maybe C Cat can go on retainer as my legal counsel (as quoted from the recently deceased but sorely missed Warren Zevon in my sig line).

Connecticut location.

Here is the pass update. I will get this thing all together right after the holiday's. That way I can get it out in the mail without having it sit forever. Anyway, thanks to all that still want in, I will list all the players again as soon as I get a definet date, which will most likely be January 3rd as the launch date.
Maybe C Cat can go on retainer as my legal counsel (as quoted from the recently deceased but sorely missed Warren Zevon in my sig line).

Connecticut location.

Oh Alph, MAN I "love" that tune, off of the album "Excitable Boy"

"I'm hiding in Honduras, I'm a desperate man......"
"I was gambling in Havana, I took a little risk......"

Now are those GREAT lines for a cigar smoker
coventrycat86 said:
Now are those GREAT lines for a cigar smoker
And it goes like this (Johnny, strike up the band):

Well, I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the Russians, too

I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this

I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock and the hard place
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck

Now I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The **** has hit the fan

Send lawyers, guns and money...
Yeah- I'm still in... I even went out and bought a few Maduro's extra so I'd have a few when the pass rolls my way
PG -

Are you still planning on getting this pass out this weekend?
"Hello? Anyone home...? HELLLLLLLOOOOOOO?!"

Hmm... might need to break out the defibrillator for this one. ???
Someone involved in the pass should PM and Email ParaGod to see if he is still planning on hosting this pass.
Aw, I hope not!! I bought some "special" gars for this pass. They're still ready and waiting to be "put" ;)