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All Grown Up Pass!

Thanks Lucas!! I will look into trying to find a few to purchase to try......Oh yah, still holding on to the Partagas Series D, #2 I got from you. I think I am going to try it this week as I am on vacation. Been waiting for that jusat right time since smoking a ISOM will be a totally new experience for me!!
1. WrenchASE
2. rknicker
3. vewyphishy
4. coventrycat86
5. Toaster
6. Phil (Maybe) You in?
7. Tschoon
8. Capt. B
9. AJ_

Okay I will get the list of cigars up this weekend, and get the pass line up set then.
Sorry on the delayed response. Ya I am in!!! Sounds like fun and I just got a few sungrowns in!!


Thanks PG!!!!

My participation might be up in the air right now. It depends on where I am in the pass order and when this gets started. I'll be out of town the last 2 weeks of the year. I would love to participate, but if I can't... :(

Btw, any word yet on the possible lineup?
Well sheesh, I am going as fast as I can. :p If anybody has a preference as to where in the line up they want to be then just PM me. The list will be up on SATURDAY :p
Well, the line up looks pretty straight forward to me, us east coasters (me 'n Captain B) would be in the middle.

Ya got:
2 midwesterners
2 east coasters
2 texans
3 California guys

My position in the line up makes absolutely no difference to me at all.

It's shaping up to be a great pass :thumbs:
Same here- I don't foresee myself going anywhere anytime soon... Where ever on the list is good for me.
coventrycat86 said:
Well, the line up looks pretty straight forward to me, us east coasters (me 'n Captain B) would be in the middle.

Ya got:
2 midwesterners
2 east coasters
2 texans
3 California guys

My position in the line up makes absolutely no difference to me at all.

It's shaping up to be a great pass :thumbs:
I'd like to get in but not sure if I'll work logisically. I will be out ouf town Dec. 25th thru 29th and Feb. 13th thru 21st. Depending when this gets started you can put me in as a possible between Capt. B and CoventryCat
I will start the pass on the East Coast first and have it come back to me. The pass will go out on Dec 2nd. That means that the first person will get the pass by Friday. So if you want in Fast4Dr, I could put you at the beginning and have you pass it off to Capt. B
ParaGod said:
I will start the pass on the East Coast first and have it come back to me. The pass will go out on Dec 2nd. That means that the first person will get the pass by Friday. So if you want in Fast4Dr, I could put you at the beginning and have you pass it off to Capt. B
Both CC and I will be at the Holiday Herf Dec.5th and 6th, I'm not sure if Capt. B is going or not. If it reaches CC by the 4th he can do his put and takes and hand the pass off to me at the Herf. I can then in turn to my puts and takes and hand it off to Capt B. that Sunday possibly. However, if you don't think the pass will make it to CC by the 4th you should ship it to Capt B. if he is not going to the Herf.... Just my .02
I can only guarantee that the pass will leave my house on the 2nd, as for when it arrives in NY well I have no clue, I will assume that it will get there in 3 days.
I just got word from Catpain B that he will be attending the Holiday Herf as well. Just an FYI, not sure if you want to start somewhere other than the East Coast
I would love to participate if you have room for one more. I am new to this board but have participated in a pass on the CW board. If your full or don't want a newbie, I understand. I will follow the progress earnestly anyway.
Okay guys I have had a little problem with the pass, a couple of smokes I was expecting to add to the pass did not come in yet. So if it is okay with everybody I want to delay the pass for 2 weeks, so I can get the cigars. Let me know via PM. If I go today, I will only have about 18 cigars for the pass.
NO! IT MUST GO OUT TODAY! RIGHT NOW! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!? err... besides the last couple of smokes. :p

It's your pass, PG. I guess when you're ready, we'll be waiting. :thumbs:
Hey PG,

How did I miss this pass thread??? I know I've been busy, but I have a homing device for maddie passes :D

If it has been delayed, is there any way to squeeze me in? Puh-leeeze?

Just in case, I'll send my addy now.
