Acclaym's Humidor Build

The veneer install has been going flawlessly. Measure sixteen times, cut once, right?

After a quick look around the ol' internet we settled on Titebond 3 for adhesive. I applied glue to both the back of the veneer and the humidor and then gently placed each piece.

I started off with a dry wall taping knife to pull any large air pockets out the edges and then used a heavy roller to finish the job.

After the air pockets were removed I used weights and a plywood buffer to apply pressure overnight. One side a day was completed in order to allow each to dry for 24 hours.

Next up is to install the t-nuts so I can screw on the feet and then rig up a new shelving system. Oh, yea! And the Avallo Accumonitor came in. Thanks for the recommendation, @BlindedByScience !

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Very nice..!! The Avallo should work out very well for you. I have a Staebell cabinet, but if I were adding humidification to an existing enclosure, the Accumonitor would be top of the list of systems I'd check out.
Only some final touches remain. I used steel wool to clean up the black bars that keep the doors sealed and then plugged the ends of them with aquarium silicon to prevent any rusting. I sealed every corner and joint inside with the silicon and I'm 100% confident this thing will hold with no issues.

We used a hand truck to roll her into the office and then that lady I told you about earlier helped me install the feet and get the doors back on. I've got the Avallo wired up inside and it's seasoning as I type. Overall, I'm very happy with the project. As you can see, the attempt at matching our other office furniture went alright. I have some wire management and some battery operated string lights to put up and I'll do that tomorrow evening.
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Very nice job. I'd like to know how the Rh is holding up, after it's been seasoning for a time.
Just don't forget the LED's have the potential to run pretty warm. If that's the case, be very sure they don't get left on for long periods of time, or things can get pretty doggone warm in there.....:cool: