A fake Cohiba exposed

As for the no proffessional grade Digital SLR, you are WAY behind there. If you havent heard check out the Kodak/Nikon Pro 14N. Its in use by THOUSANDS of pros and at $4K its WELL under $10K and a 14megs.

There are two people in this arguement, one a master at debating the other a master at BS and side tracking the topic.

I'm kinda disappointed in where this went. lbrief you pretty much ceased talking about the issues and resorted to personal attacks. I was really looking forward to an argument based on facts which would finally lead to a truthful conclusion.

also lbrief no need to get defensive. obviously you're knowledgeable. no one is going to hold it against you for taking on moki. (well at least I won't). from my view this is kind of a schoolyard taunt and next week y'all might be on a box split together. remember this is the internet, no matter how big of an a$$h0le you think someone is online, it's never enough to rule out meeting in real life (I know this from experience).

anyways I would be interested in seeing any further information added to this debate, sans personal attacks.
Lumberg said:
I'm kinda disappointed in where this went. lbrief you pretty much ceased talking about the issues and resorted to personal attacks. I was really looking forward to an argument based on facts which would finally lead to a truthful conclusion.
You and me both. That's where I've tried to keep it -- read my replies, you be the judge.
ads47 said:
There are two people in this arguement, one a master at debating the other a master at BS and side tracking the topic.
Glad you're enjoying the show, Ashely. ;)
I must second that I would have much rather watched a fact on fact debate. Not fact vs "Your a dummy", fact vs "Your a double dumb dummy" etc.

I would have much rather seen you both STFU after it was determined this was a counterfeit Cohiba. This is CIGAR Pass, not GRAPHIC DESIGN Pass or WHO CAN PISS THE FARTHEST Pass. But, that's just me. ;)
Matt R said:
I would have much rather seen you both STFU after it was determined this was a counterfeit Cohiba. This is CIGAR Pass, not GRAPHIC DESIGN Pass or WHO CAN PISS THE FARTHEST Pass. But, that's just me. ;)
I don't agree with Matt very often, but he does have a point.
True true, point well taken, or the could have gone to pm or email. But you go to a hockey game and fights break out there too.

Ok, I said I wouldn’t post anymore, but I meant I wouldn’t take offensive or defensive positions. This is explanatory only.

When I say Fonts aren’t embedded, it may sound like I’m stating an absolute, but that is not the case. It is no different from saying that such-and-such a cigar is the best. I’m simply saying it is generally not done in the industry. Yes it is done, but no it is generally not done. 1. Embedding makes file size large and unmanageable. 2. embedding requires export to an EPS, or PDF, etc. which is typically not done due to A. the unfavorable way in which these formats often treat graphics, B. it makes it much more difficult to makes AA’s during pre-press.

Indeed, generally (not absolutely) file output is accomplished via native application. Yes, generally (not absolutely) publishers, printers, etc, have pretty much a copy of all the top tier development suites.

For anyone to claim otherwise is the same as when Cigar Aficionado gives a Henry Clay a better rating than an Opus X. It is a matter of experience, opinion (and probably a greased palm or two). It is a fine claim, and it is wrong of me to say otherwise, I’m just saying that Generally that is not how things are done in the trenches.

Regarding the digital camera topic (that was sarcasm but it got picked up so. . .) the models referenced may have deceptively high “mega-pixel” capabilities. But the images suck, they are full of noise with lackluster tonal range. I’m not a photographer, so again I will say this is not an absolute, but I have to work with the results daily, so I know what looks good and what looks like. . . well you get it.

Anyway, my reason for referencing the ad was simply to show credentials. (i.e. I am who I claim to be.) Moki inferred credentials in this area as well, but I just haven’t seen anything to back them up. It wasn’t really a challenge or a taunt or anything like that, I just figured since he has experience designing fonts and doing layouts, it would be cool to see an example. We could compare notes, smother each other with flattery, etc.

As far as, fact for fact debate. I said something isn’t done. Moki says it is done. I figured from a debate vantage, the best tactic is to discredit the individual thus discrediting the argument. It’s nothing personal, all part of the game. I’m not saying Moki isn’t all he says he is. I believe he is everything and more. I was attempting to discredit him because that’s where he looked most vulnerable, not because it’s true or anything.

On the subject of those attacks, they were ment in jest. Apparently I don’t have the knack of it yet but if you are all patient and work with me, I’ll get it.

On a personal note to Moki. Please do not be offended. I guess I wanted to win so I decided to bite your ear off rather than work on the mid-section. I love our exchanges, hell if you count my posts (few as they are) I’ll bet more than half are in an exchange with you.

In closing I would like to once again assert that I stand behind my original post as it contains all the info required to support my position. What I have said is in fact the way things are generally done. However, there are two (or more) sides to every issue. And Moki’s methods are quite acceptable if not what I consider to be the industry practice from my vantage point.

I guess what I’m saying is, that the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for me may not be right for some. I guess it takes different strokes, yea, different strokes to move the world.
Crap. Can I change my moki 2000 guess to, in about 5 minutes?
They keep trying but I definitely can still piss the farthest. :D
When I say Fonts aren’t embedded, it may sound like I’m stating an absolute, but that is not the case. It is no different from saying that such-and-such a cigar is the best. I’m simply saying it is generally not done in the industry.

Actually, what you said (in a nutshell) was that I was using the term improperly, and insulted me. Do we agree that I was using it properly now?

You also stated that there are "problems" with embedded fonts -- can you elaborate on this?

Yes it is done, but no it is generally not done. 1. Embedding makes file size large and unmanageable. 2. embedding requires export to an EPS, or PDF, etc. which is typically not done due to A. the unfavorable way in which these formats often treat graphics, B. it makes it much more difficult to makes AA’s during pre-press.

You're saying that in the pre-press business, EPS and PDF files are not commonly used? Every press we've worked with has have both of these on their preferred list of file formats, because they eliminate issues such as different versions of the same program (Quark 4.x vs. 5.x, etc), and they are essentially the native language that the printer/press understands.

EPS is raw PostScript code with a wrapper. PDF is similar (both standards come from the same company, so it is no surprise). When you print something to a PostScript printer, it is ultimately turned into something that looks very much like EPS. As such, it's nonsensical that saving a file in EPS format would cause any issues, unless there are issues with the EPS code generation that a particular application does.

It all gets converted to PostScript in the end; EPS is just a PostScript wrapper. PDF is that, and a bit more -- but both are made by Adobe, who also makes the rastering engines for the printers we're discussing (PostScript). Indeed, many PostScript printers/presses now *natively* understand PDF. Shoot it a PDF file, and it rasters is like a champ. Adobe has staked their future on PDF.

Indeed, generally (not absolutely) file output is accomplished via native application. Yes, generally (not absolutely) publishers, printers, etc, have pretty much a copy of all the top tier development suites.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no -- and sometimes with version numbers that mismatch what an art department might be using -- and this can often be significant, even for minor point releases of an application (eg 4.0.1 vs. 4.0.3).

For anyone to claim otherwise is the same as when Cigar Aficionado gives a Henry Clay a better rating than an Opus X. It is a matter of experience, opinion (and probably a greased palm or two). It is a fine claim, and it is wrong of me to say otherwise, I’m just saying that Generally that is not how things are done in the trenches.

If that's what you said, then I'd have said "OK, that's not my experience, but if you say so" -- but none of this is what you said.

As far as, fact for fact debate. I said something isn’t done. Moki says it is done. I figured from a debate vantage, the best tactic is to discredit the individual thus discrediting the argument. It’s nothing personal, all part of the game. I’m not saying Moki isn’t all he says he is. I believe he is everything and more. I was attempting to discredit him because that’s where he looked most vulnerable, not because it’s true or anything.

On the subject of those attacks, they were ment in jest. Apparently I don’t have the knack of it yet but if you are all patient and work with me, I’ll get it.

On a personal note to Moki. Please do not be offended. I guess I wanted to win so I decided to bite your ear off rather than work on the mid-section. I love our exchanges, hell if you count my posts (few as they are) I’ll bet more than half are in an exchange with you.

Alright, I'm really confused now... we're to believe all of these various insults, patronizing, etc. were all part of "the plan"? ::shrug:: I did give you points to address prior to this...

Forgive me, but I didn't see any jest in what you were saying.

In closing I would like to once again assert that I stand behind my original post as it contains all the info required to support my position. What I have said is in fact the way things are generally done. However, there are two (or more) sides to every issue. And Moki’s methods are quite acceptable if not what I consider to be the industry practice from my vantage point.

Well, let's debate the issue at hand then. The issue at hand isn't when PostScript laser printers started being used (1985), or whether "embed" is the correct term (it is), or whether PDF/EPS is a widely used format in the printing industry (they are).

You stated that the problem with the band could be a result of a font substitution error. I stated this made no sense at all, because:

1) Very often logos are created by taking an existing typeface, turning it into outlines, and manipulating it, to produce a unique logo that *can't* be duplicated just by typing some text out in Helvetica (and cited examples where this was done). I've no evidence it was done in this case, other than the fact that I've seen it done on many, many corporate and brand logos -- but you also have no proof that it wasn't done. However, let's say that's not the case here...

2) Most DTP programs warn you if you open then on a machine that doesn't have the fonts that document requires; we'd have to assume people ignored these warnings or were using positively ancient programs that didn't offer such features (circa 1988)

3) Most DTP programs also let you embed fonts into the document you're printing, which is specifically done to avoid situations like this. You stated first that I had the wrong terminology, and then that this technology had "issues" and then that it could be done, but isn't often done. In my experience, none of this is the case. Yes, embedding fonts makes the file size large -- but it ensures that when you print it, you'll get exactly what you're expecting to get. As such, the file size for a final pre-press run is inconsequential to the cost of getting it right. As I'm sure we all know, setup and labor costs are a large chunk of the battle when it comes to printing. We'd have to assume whomever did the bands either didn't know or didn't care about this ability.

4) We'd also have to assume that the machines being printed from and the press being printed to didn't have the proper typeface installed. I find this absurd; for something as major as the bands for prestigious cigar brands in Cuba. It'd be like the printer Coke uses not having the proper color to put on the cans.

5) We'd have to assume that even if all this happened somehow, even if the fonts were not present, people didn't bother embedding them, they weren't on the printer, they ignored the warnings from the DTP programs, and printed them anyway, that they looked at the proofs and didn't notice the font was wrong. Yes, the difference can be subtle, but this is akin to saying that Coke would end up printing a series of cans that used the wrong typeface on them. Given the importance of branding, the known existence of fakes, I find it very hard to believe that something like this could pass through.

6) Even if someone DID look at the proof, and ineptly say "Looks good, print it!" we'd have to assume that no one at SA would notice that their new batch of bands weren't quite right. Or if they did notice, they'd have to say "Screw it, use 'em anyway".

The number of things that would have to either go wrong or be done in such an incredibly amateurish fashion in order for this to be caused by "font substitution" are simply mind-boggling. Certain things just are not done. If you as a printer screw up on the typeface of an important brand like Cohiba is to SA, you're not just fired, in Cuba, you're probably thrown in jail. It doesn't make sense.
moki said:
When I say Fonts aren’t embedded, it may sound like I’m stating an absolute, but that is not the case. It is no different from saying that such-and-such a cigar is the best. I’m simply saying it is generally not done in the industry.

Actually, what you said (in a nutshell) was that I was using the term improperly, and insulted me. Do we agree that I was using it properly now?

You also stated that there are "problems" with embedded fonts -- can you elaborate on this?

Yes it is done, but no it is generally not done. 1. Embedding makes file size large and unmanageable. 2. embedding requires export to an EPS, or PDF, etc. which is typically not done due to A. the unfavorable way in which these formats often treat graphics, B. it makes it much more difficult to makes AA’s during pre-press.

You're saying that in the pre-press business, EPS and PDF files are not commonly used? Every press we've worked with has have both of these on their preferred list of file formats, because they eliminate issues such as different versions of the same program (Quark 4.x vs. 5.x, etc), and they are essentially the native language that the printer/press understands.

EPS is raw PostScript code with a wrapper. PDF is similar (both standards come from the same company, so it is no surprise). When you print something to a PostScript printer, it is ultimately turned into something that looks very much like EPS. As such, it's nonsensical that saving a file in EPS format would cause any issues, unless there are issues with the EPS code generation that a particular application does.

It all gets converted to PostScript in the end; EPS is just a PostScript wrapper. PDF is that, and a bit more -- but both are made by Adobe, who also makes the rastering engines for the printers we're discussing (PostScript).

Indeed, generally (not absolutely) file output is accomplished via native application. Yes, generally (not absolutely) publishers, printers, etc, have pretty much a copy of all the top tier development suites.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no -- and sometimes with version numbers that mismatch what an art department might be using -- and this can often be significant, even for minor point releases of an application (eg 4.0.1 vs. 4.0.3).

For anyone to claim otherwise is the same as when Cigar Aficionado gives a Henry Clay a better rating than an Opus X. It is a matter of experience, opinion (and probably a greased palm or two). It is a fine claim, and it is wrong of me to say otherwise, I’m just saying that Generally that is not how things are done in the trenches.

If that's what you said, then I'd have said "OK, that's not my experience, but if you say so" -- but none of this is what you said.

As far as, fact for fact debate. I said something isn’t done. Moki says it is done. I figured from a debate vantage, the best tactic is to discredit the individual thus discrediting the argument. It’s nothing personal, all part of the game. I’m not saying Moki isn’t all he says he is. I believe he is everything and more. I was attempting to discredit him because that’s where he looked most vulnerable, not because it’s true or anything.

On the subject of those attacks, they were ment in jest. Apparently I don’t have the knack of it yet but if you are all patient and work with me, I’ll get it.

On a personal note to Moki. Please do not be offended. I guess I wanted to win so I decided to bite your ear off rather than work on the mid-section. I love our exchanges, hell if you count my posts (few as they are) I’ll bet more than half are in an exchange with you.

Alright, I'm really confused now... we're to believe all of these various insults, patronizing, etc. were all part of "the plan"? ::shrug:: I did give you points to address prior to this...

In closing I would like to once again assert that I stand behind my original post as it contains all the info required to support my position. What I have said is in fact the way things are generally done. However, there are two (or more) sides to every issue. And Moki’s methods are quite acceptable if not what I consider to be the industry practice from my vantage point.

Well, let's debate the issue at hand then. The issue at hand isn't when PostScript laser printers started being used, or whether "embed" is the correct term, or whether PDF/EPS is a widely used format in the printing industry.

You stated that the problem with the band could be a result of a font substitution error. I stated this made no sense at all, because:

1) Very often logos are created by taking an existing typeface, turning it into outlines, and manipulating it, to produce a unique logo that *can't* be duplicated just by typing some text out in Helvetica (and cited examples where this was done). I've no evidence it was done in this case, other than the fact that I've seen it done on many, many corporate and brand logos -- but you also have no proof that it wasn't done. However, even despite this...

2) Most DTP programs warn you if you open then on a machine that doesn't have the fonts that document requires; we'd have to assume people ignored these warnings or were using positively ancient programs that didn't offer such features (circa 1988)

3) Most DTP programs also let you embed fonts into the document you're printing, which is specifically done to avoid situations like this. You stated first that I had the wrong terminology, and then that this technology had "issues" and then that it could be done, but isn't often done. In my experience, none of this is the case. Yes, embedding fonts makes the file size large -- but it ensures that when you print it, you'll get exactly what you're expecting to get. As such, the file size for a final pre-press run is inconsequential to the cost of getting it right. As I'm sure we all know, setup and labor costs are a large chunk of the battle when it comes to printing. We'd have to assume whomever did the bands either didn't know or didn't care about this ability.

4) We'd also have to assume that the machines being printed from and the press being printed to didn't have the proper typeface installed. I find this absurd; for something as major as the bands for prestigious cigar brands in Cuba.

5) We'd have to assume that even if all this happened somehow, even if the fonts were not present, people didn't bother embedding them, they weren't on the printer, they ignored the warnings from the DTP programs, and printed them anyway, that they looked at the proofs and didn't notice the font was wrong. Yes, the difference can be subtle, but this is akin to saying that Coke would end up printing a series of cans that used the wrong typeface on them. Given the importance of branding, the known existence of fakes, I find it very hard to believe that something like this could pass through.

6) Even if someone DID look at the proof, and ineptly say "Looks good, print it!" we'd have to assume that no one at SA would notice that their new batch of bands weren't quite right. Or if they did notice, they'd have to say "Screw it, use 'em anyway"

The number of things that would have to either go wrong or be done in such an incredibly amateurish fashion in order for this to be cause by "font substitution" are simply mind-boggling. Certain things just are not done. If you as a printer screw up on the typeface of an important brand like Cohiba is to SA, you're not just fired, in Cuba, you're probably thrown in jail. It doesn't make sense.
So tell us how you really feel. LOL I am half able to follow you guys, half not.

A humble suggestion:

You two yokels should get together and have a good old fashioned fist fight. I generally find that once someone has gotten their teeth kicked in it doesn't much matter if they were right or wrong.

Who else would like to see this? I've got 4:1 odds favoring Moki, minimum bet of $100
Can't we all just smoke a cigar and get on with trying to band a Choiba pipe? :0

Tony Bones said:
You two yokels should get together and have a good old fashioned fist fight. I generally find that once someone has gotten their teeth kicked in it doesn't much matter if they were right or wrong.

Who else would like to see this? I've got 4:1 odds favoring Moki, minimum bet of $100
Hell yah, I'd be in for that... you know me :D
moki said:
Tony Bones said:
You two yokels should get together and have a good old fashioned fist fight. I generally find that once someone has gotten their teeth kicked in it doesn't much matter if they were right or wrong.

Who else would like to see this? I've got 4:1 odds favoring Moki, minimum bet of $100
Hell yah, I'd be in for that... you know me :D
LOL...I don't bet on my friends who decide to fight. But I'll watch em fight just the same.

<----------- Well look at that, Moki just hi 2000.
emodx said:
moki said:
Tony Bones said:
You two yokels should get together and have a good old fashioned fist fight.  I generally find that once someone has gotten their teeth kicked in it doesn't much matter if they were right or wrong.

Who else would like to see this?  I've got 4:1 odds favoring Moki, minimum bet of $100
Hell yah, I'd be in for that... you know me :D
LOL...I don't bet on my friends who decide to fight. But I'll watch em fight just the same.

<----------- Well look at that, Moki just hi 2000.
Oh sure. I try to get a little action going here, take advantage of the situation, and you take the high road. Mr. Morals. Ethical King Pin. Captain Consciense.

Bah. Game on. 5:1 on Moki, $250 minimum or two pre-85 Davidoffs.
You are countering my points with highly sophisticated and very thoughtful explanations but in essence you just keep saying “No you are wrong”. There is nothing wrong with your explanations but they are not the norm in the real world.

Yes, if you as a retail customer want something printed, the printer will ask YOU for an EPS or PDF, because they reduce the hassle of dealing with ignorant customers (present company completely excluded, 100% absolutely not talking about you, only talking about the masses of morons that plague this earth). The printer hits “print” and if the customer doesn’t like it, the printer can say “Hey, that’s what you gave me”.

But, in the industry, professionals all swap native files exclusively. Because, as I said, they render graphics better, and they are smaller, and they are more convenient for making pre-press revisions.

As for Adobe’s huge investment in PDF, that investment was for the benefit of consumer level (and even pro-sumer level) users. Professionals don’t think much of the format in terms of its ability to render accurate color seps (important for graphics). And they don’t like having to re-generate and proof a whole new PDF if the client wants a small revison close to press-time.

I don’t have all day to write another novel on the subject of font substitution, but this guy did: http://www.creativepro.com/story/feature/10215.html
read it if you’re interested.

Look I don’t know what else to say. You haven’t accepted my apology for the ear biting. And we haven’t moved off the dime.

I say font substitution is possible,

lbrief said:
Actually, font substitution is quite common.

there is a huge risk of font substitution

these substitutions are slight not everyone will readily notice them.

It is possible that if such a mistake occurred on a cigar band run, and it wasn’t caught until a significant number had been printed, then they might have decided to save a few bucks and use the misprints.

you say it’s unlikely.

That means we are both right.
(We are both right about fonts, I was 100% wrong for some of my remarks).