This is what I’m talking about. All theory and no practice.
The technology to embed fonts is perfect and works well in a magazine article (usually ghost written by the product developer). But in practice, it simply is not there yet.
I'm sorry, was it not you who said
Fonts are not "embedded" you sound like a hack for suggesting so?
You're now using the term, but now instead of trying to tell me I'm using the wrong term (and insulting me for it), you're instead saying that the technology isn't there yet. This will be very interesting news for Adobe and Quark; I have friends who work at both companies on various products that rely on said technology.
Are you seriously trying to claim that there is any difference between a font that is installed on a computer, and a font that is embedded in a document? You do realize that embedding a font merely encodes the
actual binary representation of the font from the host computer system into a binary object in the file?
It's the exact same thing
PDF and EPS files the world over depend on the embedding of fonts; they'd be fairly useless without the capability, because the display of the document would be at the mercy of the fonts the host computer/output device has installed. Hell, even the government figured it out (the PDF tax forms you get from the IRS have embedded fonts in them).
Well, at least you've come around to realizing that embedding fonts is the proper term, that's something.
News flash there’s also no such thing as a commercial quality digital camera for less than $10K; there’s no such thing as a universal color profile; there’s no such thing as Santa; should I go on?
Another straw-man argument. I never mentioned anything about digital cameras (though given my background, I dare say I'm intimately familiar with them) or universal color profiles.
As far as substance, I refer you (once again) to my original post, it contains everything you need, and has yet to be accurately disputed.
It was disputed in my post prior to this; and I still maintain that for font substitution to be what caused the band to look as it does would be to assume that a bunch of utterly incompetent people are working for SA. It's extremely hard to screw up not having the proper fonts installed with any modern computer package -- many alert you when you open the document that you don't have the proper fonts installed. Quark has a nice pre-flighting system built-in that makes it hard to miss errors such as this.
However, let's say we have incompetent morons running the art and pre-press departments, and somehow they manage to screw up not having the proper font installed for a
major brand label that they're printing. And they just so happened to ignore any warnings from the software they are using, or they are ignorant of the ability to embed fonts, or they just saw a window on the screen, and clicked "OK"
Fine. Then they look at the proof. Are you seriously telling me that no one will spot such an error? Yes, it can be subtle, but this is a major brand name we're talking about. All of this is so utterly unlikely.
As far as credentials, I submit to you, the ad I did for DaveWF. You have claimed knowledge in this area, but where are your credentials? Your logo was created by a freelancer not you.
I agree that the ad you created for DaveWF is nice, but let's not make mountains out of molehills. First, the typeface my friend used to create the logo for him was indeed turned into an outline and edited/tweaked in that manner, not as a font (thanks for reminding me).
Second, the ad you did is clean and fine, but it uses a piece of stock photography for the background (the keyboard -- I hope you properly licensed it), has a gradient, a bulleted set of points, the logo my friend created, and a box at the bottom with address and slogan info. It's nice, clean, etc., but it isn't exactly rocket science in design terms.
Finally, what does having created an ad have anything to do with whether you're right or wrong on the issues we're debating?
For those, that did get the groundhog analogy. It means Moki needs to get the last word or it will absolutely crush him. You’ve seen him in action on these boards, and God knows you’ve seen him in action on CF. Someone, needs to take the high road here. And, since I am dangerously close to sounding like an S.O.B. I shall now bow out.
Excuse me, lbrief, but are you not the one who started making this personal and insulting? This isn't about having the last word, it's about me not taking crap from you for no reason.