Just my thoughts on it... I'm pretty new here still, and my first pass, for lack of better words, was amazing. I never expected 90% of the smokes I received back. Personally, I'm not such a stickler as to what goes in and out, as long as you use common sense and enjoy the pass. I love the idea of sending out a box of cigars and reading what's going in and what people are taking, then getting back a box of smokes I've never tried, or absolutely love. I may be in the minority, but as long as your involved in the pass, you should at least be able to enjoy it, and not stress about "oh God, do I have to go out and buy special cigars for this one?" That's why I state in the beginning to not worry, because that may weed out someone that REALLY wants to be involved and try out something new, but backs out because they're afraid they're 'priced' out of the pass.
A perfect example was Horse's pass. I was really worried about my puts, because of the pressure that kind of is 'unsaid' on the boards. But he was really happy with what I put in. I think Matt's right on saying that if your out for better stuff, say it up front. I also don't think it should be frowned upon to actually be honest about it though either. This board's roots I believe are steeped in the tradition of enjoying fine cigars, what one person's rocket may be another persons vision of a premium. *shrug*
Now I've gone overboard and put in a ton more than needed on the few passes I've been involved with, and they may not have been $20 smokes, but I wanted to share with whoever created the pass my love of cigars, and give them something new to try. If the person didn't like them, hey, they can always put together another pass and someone out there will decide that they want something different, and take it and the cycle continues.
I also like the fact that almost everyone that I've been involved with either 'giftt's' much more than they need to, but people shouldn't get it in their head that you'll be able to do it 100% of the time, and should view them as just that; gifts. In my first pass, I can not begin to express the overwhelming feeling when the box came back with more smokes than I knew what to do with. Do I expect that to happen again? Not really. But it sure gave me the encouragment to overload PB's pass. How much you wanna bet one day he does the same thing to a newbie pass? And then that new guy becomes a old guy and does it to some other new guy, etc, etc. I've been online a long time and have never seen the generosity that comes through on this board.
I think in general passes shouldn't be about getting more/better, but get back to the enjoyment of passing cigars around to friends, and getting back a variety of new stuff.
Now so no one gets upset, I'm not saying anything negative about CigarPass, or it's members. Nothing typed here is aimed to hurt, anger or flame anyone.