>90% of Cuban cigars in the US are fakes ???

@stogie fan, you continue to probe just how big of a Putz you are! As much as I like Bill and think he’s greatly contributed to the CP community I’m not interested in listening to the entire interview but instead choose to believe you’ve taken him out of context because you continue to be a troll who does nothing more than stir the pot hoping for controversy. Yes, a PUTZ!
@stogie fan, you continue to probe just how big of a Putz you are! As much as I like Bill and think he’s greatly contributed to the CP community I’m not interested in listening to the entire interview but instead choose to believe you’ve taken him out of context because you continue to be a troll who does nothing more than stir the pot hoping for controversy. Yes, a PUTZ!
Yup, just when you think.. oh I’ll remove the ignore, he reinforces that was a mistake.

PUTZ is the perfect word.
@stogie fan, you continue to probe just how big of a Putz you are! As much as I like Bill and think he’s greatly contributed to the CP community I’m not interested in listening to the entire interview but instead choose to believe you’ve taken him out of context because you continue to be a troll who does nothing more than stir the pot hoping for controversy. Yes, a PUTZ!

Well, to be fair, Bill did say what Bill said so, that was his claim, period. Until I saw this video I had no idea that 'fake' Cuban cigars were so pervasive. If someone states an emphatic claim, in this case Bill, makes a claim, then I assume they either stand by their claim, or they run away from said claim. I don't hear Bill making any denials.

Context? That is not my purview; maybe yours'? Also, there is a discussion that goes on to infinity that pertains to 'fake' Cuban cigars, after Bill makes the statement. I have never seen this particular cigar podcast but if they are discussing 'fake' Cuban cigars for a half hour, then I would likely believe that fake Cuban cigars in the US might be a thing. If that is in fact not the case, then why was it brought up, and then why is it being discussed, for half an hour? I don't know because I smoke NC cigars but learning sure has become an eye opener.
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I don’t know what the percentages are, but yes, the number of fake cubans in America is really high. Most of them are in the hands of people who don’t smoke regularly or enthusiastically enough to join cigar forums and educate themselves sufficiently. Every gift of cuban cigars that non-smoking friends have brought back for me, with a single exception, have been fakes. Yes, the important rules of sticking to trusted sources and if possible, verifying with the authentication process, are...important.
The 9 out of 10 in a box situation put forth is, of course, silly. Either all in it are fake, or none, generally. If you spot a single fake at a location, but some other boxes look legit...they’re not, they’re just more convincing fakes. All of this has been covered in this forum, so I’m not sure the motivation for the rehash.
As far as knowing one’s sources...@CigSid is a source of knowledge and cigars nonpareil. He’s proven his knowledge and trustworthiness over many years of membership, friendship, and I know I recently turned to him for advice that he didn’t have to give me and didn’t ask anything for. So when he makes a statement like that, you’d best believe that it’s pretty darned accurate.
When it comes to knowing the source of the OP, what does one reckon the trustworthiness is? What is the legacy of that source going to be?
Edit: Typo
I don’t know what the percentages are, but yes, the number of fake cubans in America is really high. Most of them are in the hands of people who don’t smoke regularly or enthusiastically enough to join cigar forums and educate themselves sufficiently. Every gift of cuban cigars that non-smoking friends have brought back for me, with a single exception, have been fakes. Yes, the important rules of sticking to trusted sources and if possible, verifying with the authentication process, are...important.
The 9 out of 10 in a box situation put forth is, of course, silly. Either all in it are fake, or none, generally. If you spot a single fake at a location, but some other boxes look legit...they’re not, they’re just more convincing fakes. All of this has been covered in this forum, so I’m not sure the motivation for the rehash.
As far as knowing one’s sources...@CigSid is a source of knowledge and cigars nonpareil. He’s proven his knowledge and trustworthiness over many years of membership, friendship, and I know I recently turned to him for advice that he didn’t have to give me and didn’t ask anything for. So when he makes a statement like that, you’d best believe that it’s pretty darned accurate.
When it comes to knowing the source of the OP, what does one reckon the trustworthiness is? What is the legacy of that source going to be?
Edit: Typo

Never tried a 'Cuban' cigar (as explained in my profile) & have recently been reading threads in the 'Cuban Cigars Forum' attempting to learn.
The concept of fakes was mentioned in a couple of threads within the first five pages of the sub-forum but the pervasive extent of fakes didn't seem to be noted. I have read enough here to know Bill is the go-to guy when it comes to the subject matter but I had no idea Cubans were so widely faked & 90% is crazy. As stated in the OP it would seem that purchasing by the box might be the way to go, and check on the verification website.

I read somewhere that Carlos Fuente Sr. was very concerned about folks counterfeiting Opus X blends, and I wonder now how many folks are smoking 'fake' NCs? I suppose it's not a stretch.
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Well, to be fair, Bill did say what Bill said so, that was his claim, period. Until I saw this video I had no idea that 'fake' Cuban cigars were so pervasive. If someone states an emphatic claim, in this case Bill, makes a claim, then I assume they either stand by their claim, or they run away from said claim. I don't hear Bill making any denials.

Context? That is not my purview; maybe yours'? Also, there is a discussion that goes on to infinity that pertains to 'fake' Cuban cigars, after Bill makes the statement. I have never seen this particular cigar podcast but if they are discussing 'fake' Cuban cigars for a half hour, then I would likely believe that fake Cuban cigars in the US might be a thing. If that is in fact not the case, then why was it brought up, and then why is it being discussed, for half an hour? I don't know because I smoke NC cigars but learning sure has become an eye opener.
Its because you arent worthy of a response. When you walk through a big city and a homeless guy spouts off about little green men, do you challenge him on the validity of his delusion?

Never mind, you probably aren't worthy of his time either.😀
Here are some but not all of the very basics of spotting fakes:

Thanks for the link! EDIT: Just read the link; great info!
Also, thanks for being a gentleman, keeping it civil in your previous post, and not resorting to personal attacks replete with rules violations.
Others could learn from your example.
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Please don’t thank me.
Many have you on ‘ignore’, many others have begun reacting instantly, but we didn’t get to this point for no reason. It seems like you prefer it this way. Others have joined, made mistakes, corrected their behavior, and moved on. I know I’ve made some errors over the years. Fo me, this is a last effort, as I have tried to guide you before. When I did, my attempts were met with the laughing emoji and disrespect. Now you thank me for the same thing. You cherry pick what you want to hear or focus on, without the humility to admit that we all sometimes mess up. If you can’t change this, you’ll miss out on the great parts of the forum.
Please don’t thank me.
Many have you on ‘ignore’, many others have begun reacting instantly, but we didn’t get to this point for no reason. It seems like you prefer it this way. Others have joined, made mistakes, corrected their behavior, and moved on. I know I’ve made some errors over the years. Fo me, this is a last effort, as I have tried to guide you before. When I did, my attempts were met with the laughing emoji and disrespect. Now you thank me for the same thing. You cherry pick what you want to hear or focus on, without the humility to admit that we all sometimes mess up. If you can’t change this, you’ll miss out on the great parts of the forum.
Well said!
Please don’t thank me.
Many have you on ‘ignore’, many others have begun reacting instantly, but we didn’t get to this point for no reason. It seems like you prefer it this way. Others have joined, made mistakes, corrected their behavior, and moved on. I know I’ve made some errors over the years. Fo me, this is a last effort, as I have tried to guide you before. When I did, my attempts were met with the laughing emoji and disrespect. Now you thank me for the same thing. You cherry pick what you want to hear or focus on, without the humility to admit that we all sometimes mess up. If you can’t change this, you’ll miss out on the great parts of the forum.

My thanks are sincere.
I respect your opinion, and your replies are very much appreciated, because you made your statement, and without any personal attacks.
I am fully aware of your message i.e. the ignore issue but that is the choice of those that make that choice; not mine.
I am not here holding on to some perceived grievance, and no where in the thread did I make a choice to resort to any personal attack(s).
Hopefully you can see that & hopefully you, and others, can see that I have made the choice to move forward, and not to remain in the past.
I came here, to CP, because I desire to learn, and I have, just as any other BOTL hopefully learns, and grows, with others that love cigars, and the relaxation the simple enjoyment of a cigar brings. That is where I am at; hopefully others here, are there, too.
Again, thank you for your post; much respect.
I think time will prove your sincerity, @stogie fan. The road back involves reading more, posting less, avoiding ‘baiting’ (a rule), and generally being a stand-up guy that is pleasant to deal with. If you’re able to do that for a couple of months, I’ll be happy to advocate for people taking you off of ignore, for whatever that’s worth.
Like Mary J Blige said, ‘No more drama’.
I think time will prove your sincerity, @stogie fan. The road back involves reading more, posting less, avoiding ‘baiting’ (a rule), and generally being a stand-up guy that is pleasant to deal with. If you’re able to do that for a couple of months, I’ll be happy to advocate for people taking you off of ignore, for whatever that’s worth.
Like Mary J Blige said, ‘No more drama’.

That is very generous of you, sir.
Lol oh my word.

On another note, kind people will take time out of their day to directly call out the issue.
Even kinder people will explain sympathize/empathize with you and try to explain.

But most people will just laugh off the spectacle. Hope you understand buddy.