First, I don't have a problem with any of the P/T's
Second, bluue, this isn't aimed at you, so don't take it that way.
Now, I find it kinda funny that so much hell was raised over a $20 cigar being put in the pass for a $16 cigar. All I heard was how it was going to increase the value of the pass and possibly put it out of reach for those at the end of the pass. How $4 was WAY too much of an overput. Now a $12 cigar is going into the pass for a $10 cigar and everyone ABSOLUTELY loves the trade! "Nice P/T's", "looks good to me", "mail 'em out", etc....This is a 20% increase whereas the Flying Pig/Padron trade would have been a 25% increase. Where's the uproar? Why is no one up in arms over this trade? I'll tell you why, because when you're looking at a lower valued cigar, you tend to overlook an overput, but with a high end cigar, your butthole puckers up because all you see is the end price.
Can you honestly tell me a regular production $12 cigar for an 8 year old anejo trade is going to fly? So add that MUCH more to what I'm talking about...
Let's be consistant here guys and not hypocritical. If you love a trade the increases a value by %20, then don't you DARE bitch about a $20 for $16 trade that has a value increase of 25%!