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Search results

  1. JOE.M.

    MattR Exposed

    All over the key board!! :sign:
  2. JOE.M.


    This has been along time coming for this little turd, the few before him and the many to come. Take heed gentlemen! This board is our home, has been for years and will be for many more. All who think you can jump in full boar without taking the time to "get it", "earn it", or "respect it" will...
  3. JOE.M.

    Cigar girls...

  4. JOE.M.

    Cigar of the month clubs

    :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
  5. JOE.M.

    to emodx or anyone who lives in fl

    You should speak to Ric & Scott, I here they do some sort of man on man show somewhere in South Beach... :sign: 2 in 1 day! :sign: Life is good!! :cool:
  6. JOE.M.

    Best Bowl Game Ever?

    Excuses me sir, but I have my own wing! :cool:
  7. JOE.M.

    Best Bowl Game Ever?

    Totally! What a little pussy! I think he is one of the most over hyped players to come out of collage football. I can't wait to see him in the NFL when he does not have the talent around him to protect his ass! He can't run, can't move he is useless under pressure and in the pocket. I give him a...
  8. JOE.M.

    Best Bowl Game Ever?

    This was a great Great game! Another would be the Rose bowl last year Texas/ Michigan :thumbs:
  9. JOE.M.

    Memory Lane...

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! It was a simple question! :( No need to get all personal and whut not... :p
  10. JOE.M.

    Show yourself

    I agree with Neal, but I think your dress & heels are a bit much. You’re drawing to much attention away from your boyfriend
  11. JOE.M.

    I don't know what's going on lately...

    I haven't seen this much love since the last time I watched "Forest Pump" on the Spice channel! :laugh: :laugh:
  12. JOE.M.


    And he would know this.... How? :rolleyes:
  13. JOE.M.

    Paris Hilton

    Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuum, this is the first thing I have read that has anything to do with this worthless piece of crap. Personal from what I have back tracked and read we have another "I know everything" moron on our hands. Wurm, if you have any thoughts, questions or would like to impose any of your...
  14. JOE.M.

    Por Larranaga

    I just picked up a cab of PC's from 04 on the recommendation of a good friend and smoked my first one tonight. Very interesting flavor profile, not as you would expect from a Cuban cigar kind of had an Anejo sweetness {like the 46} to it that changed dramatically throughout the smoke. Also a...
  15. JOE.M.


    Santa Claus.com The site is a bit slow to load, probably due to the traffic but the kids can send a Xmas list to Santa through Email and also track him! You can also have Santa call your kids on Xmas eve!
  16. JOE.M.

    Re: Snobs

    Don't make me go Ninga on you old man! :whistling:
  17. JOE.M.

    Re: Snobs

    Ooooooooooooooooooh that’s just Freakin' hilarious! :angry: Anything sent to me will be considered a gift to me and will be smoked by me! That person will also be thanked by me personally! :cool:
  18. JOE.M.

    SOS!SOS! Heartfelt Beads Problem! SOS!

    I keep my beads in drawstring sachets, pick up a 12 pack at Wall mart for about $2 and split my 1lb beads into 4 packs and put one on each shelf of my coolers {4 per 150qt} I also never "directly" water my beads, I use 2 - 2 inch cubes of "antibacterial" sponge and soak them with distilled water...
  19. JOE.M.

    Secret Santa

    If you do a search for "Secret Santa" I am sure you will find my threads for the last few years. May the force be with you. :whistling:
  20. JOE.M.

    Cancelled sale special

    :sign: Has anyone seen the "How to order" page? CHECK THIS OUT! :sign: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, meet me by the black rock on the second corner of the third street... And wear a pink bow in your hair!