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SOS!SOS! Heartfelt Beads Problem! SOS!


The Broke Smoker & 2006 Ash Standing Champion!
May 11, 2005
Hey everybody.

I have a real problem. Huge.
I was going to respray my 65% beads w/ distilled water; they were seeming a little dry. So I sprayed them, and I noticed something.
They really have a very woody, all cleaner-like STINK Shocked Shocked .
Intially, I put these beads into three pieces of shop-rite stockings. I then put them into normal, large plastic oasis container, where I cleaned out the foam.
So, any idea what to do. I don't what these beads to mis-flavor my babies!!
I actually cut the stocking open, and poured all the beads into a cup.
They are YELLOWED!!!!! I don'nt know...I'm FREAKING

I wanted to make sure it wasn't the spray bottle, and not the distilled water. So, I have another pound lying around... I smelled the fresh beads after spraying it with water from the bottle, then from distilled right out of the gallon container.. No smell at all... So it's not the water, or the containers. What is it? Is it just the scent of the tobacco? Is it a problem?!?! I don't store any flavor cigars in my humi. My humidor is the footlocker size humidor, I bought from cheaphumidors.com


slevy007 :( :0 :(

Freaking out!
odd...i have had my beads for almost a year now, no problem. must be the spray bottle, was it a new one? ever use it b4 with a cleaning solution? the beads soak up what ever is put into them, so by that logic, if it smells like a cleaner, then a cleaner was in the bottle and contaminated the beads at some point.
No, the bottle was brand new. I washed it out with 97% alcohol, then water. It almost smells like a VERY INTENSE wood smell.
On guy on cigarpass forum said that it is probably some spanish cedar resin and oils from the cigars.

Also, I forgot to mention that I have two humidors. One is a the cedar foot locker one. The other is large dorm fridge, I converted, that has no wood in it, except the cigar boxes. The beads from the fridge smell. But the smell is not as strong, and I am not 100% sure that it is the exact same smell.

I don't know. Do I throw them out? Start with fresh beads?

Maybe a slight reaction occured between the beads, stocking, oasis foam and moon alignment. Seriously though...it might actually be some cross contamination going on. It could have been a bad dye lot on the stockings. It could be that the dye and the coloring agent in the oasis foam is wicking into the beads. All are subject. Ask Viper.
Yeah, I just called and left Viper a message.
As far as the oasis foam... I cut it all out. So I don't know if that did anything.

By the way. What did you guys store your beads in?
Also, the bottle has no detectable scent.

I bought the alu-brick to replace the stock humidifer and the beads I ordered for Double D and another friend I ordered in the tubes.

Sorry to hear your having problems :(
Well if I start with fresh beads, can I put it in those blue disposable ziploc containers?

I keep my beads in drawstring sachets, pick up a 12 pack at Wall mart for about $2 and split my 1lb beads into 4 packs and put one on each shelf of my coolers {4 per 150qt} I also never "directly" water my beads, I use 2 - 2 inch cubes of "antibacterial" sponge and soak them with distilled water so the beads can soak up the excess and maintain a constant 66% humidity. I live in a very, very dry climate and only need to "feed" my sponges once every 2 months.
I'd highly suggest following Joe's advice, he helped me setup and season my humis, haven't had a single problem since.

Other then that, he's really not good for much else :0
The beads are yellow and they smell? What EXACTLY did you wet those beads with anyway? :laugh:

I kid I kid.
OK, maybe I'll give that a shot.
I justdon't know whether these beads should be thrown out. They only been in use for like 6-7 months.

Well, I spoke with Viper. He said it just picked up the natural cedar oils. More importantly, the won't affect my cigars. Thank God. Gotta take care of my babies!

slevy007 said:
Well, I spoke with Viper. He said it just picked up the natural cedar oils. More importantly, the won't affect my cigars. Thank God. Gotta take care of my babies!


Phew! I was starting to worry for a minute there. It's a good thing that we have Viper around to help us when we run into situations like this.
Good one Viper. I'll tell you all something, that guy is so knowledgable I'd swear he is a Jedi master!

Yoda ?? Yoda is that you??? :laugh:

Here is a quick pointer with beads. Get a pair of sock or knee high nylons and put your beads n there. If you have a large area to controll, like a cooler or fridge, seperate your beads into 2-3 different locations. This makes for a happy humidor!!!
