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  1. SiShong

    in chicago till the 28th

    Why does everything have to be in the suburbs? :( :p Damn, I need a car, lol.
  2. SiShong

    the best cheap cigar

    That's the beauty of trying new things, you get to actually figure out what you like, personally, I'm not a fan of peppery cigars, while I like a very full flavor, but so many people (not on this forum) are always recommending cigars that make me feel like I just ate hot wings. So newbness is...
  3. SiShong

    Trouble regulating my tuperdor

    My digis are just around 68-71 % so I don't know, but yeah, I'm just sick of the things falling, It's in all 4 humi's! So maybe they are just cheap Humidifiers with cheap velcro, I don't know, but it sucks!
  4. SiShong

    Golden Fire, Cigar with 24 Karat Gold

    Wow, way to much bulge in the pic for me.
  5. SiShong

    Golden Fire, Cigar with 24 Karat Gold

    I don't know, this just semms ridiculously pointless and over the top extravagence, sorry not for me.
  6. SiShong


    Too much time, too little brain, makes for bad journalism, and needless discussions on ridiculous subjects. Hey but one benefit for you Dion, you may have just gotten a new customer. I'm gonna try and find one of your sticks in my area, and if I can't well, then online, but I'll find one, I want...
  7. SiShong

    If this goes through... I am going to get a new job!

    True, I'm not about torturing animals either, but I am strongly against PETA, they are redundant, there is already the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, they were doing a good jub, but they weren't radically political enough for PETA and they actually focused on animals, not on...
  8. SiShong

    San Bernandino County

    Ok, back on topic, any idea why she is hunting for someone? And why she is putting a hit out on them in CP? lol
  9. SiShong

    Funny bone

    Yeah the silly part is, if I remeber the first post correctly, that she was smoking cigarettes, so it wasn't really the smoke, it was the cigar. But either way, getting in her face about it would have been wrong, he didn't put out his cigar, and he didn't bitch her out, he simply moved away...
  10. SiShong

    Trouble regulating my tuperdor

    See my Humis are probably too full to fit the beads in but I could easily slide a little packet in along the side. I don't know, I just know I'm sick of the humidifiers, falling on my cigars, because the styicky stuff on the back of the velcro doesn't seem to want to stay sticky!
  11. SiShong

    If this goes through... I am going to get a new job!

    Don't stop hunting, just hunt PETA people. They always want to be covered in blood anyway . . .
  12. SiShong

    This was bound to happen

    Hey there is almost no where in Chicago or Illinois where you can still smoke, only grandfathered in B&M's to my knowledge, but no casinos, restaraunts, bars, etc. No where, not within 15 feet of an entryway, etc. it's ridiculous. Like I said only in B&M's that were around before the law...
  13. SiShong

    KT Tunstall

    Um yeah, no...
  14. SiShong

    Trouble regulating my tuperdor

    Thanks, will do
  15. SiShong

    Funny bone

    I think you did the next right thing, all we can control is our reaction to the stupid people around us, no use getting restless irritable and discontent over something like that!
  16. SiShong

    San Bernandino County

    Um, this is almost as scary as the gold cigar, but then what do I know?