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Trouble regulating my tuperdor

I would think beads would be easier than the humi-packs. They do the same thing (i.e. absorb or emit humidity as needed), are super easy to maintain, and will last forever.
+1 for the heartfelt beads. I use those in both my humidors and the RH stays a solid 65%. The instructions on them have you only wet 60% of the beads down that way the dry beads act as a buffer to abosrb any moisture above the desired RH. I use 3 1oz sticks in my larger humidor (holds 75 sticks) and thats overkill. However after opening it and checking everything I lose 2-4% RH and once I close the lid it only takes about 15-20 mins for it to jump right back up to 65%.

FWIW I found it cheaper to buy a 1/2 lb bag from them and seperate tubes as oposed to their already made tubes.

As a side note both humi's are already almost filled. I found my new love, Padron's, and have a box comming in a few days with no place to put them. Looks like its time to expand.
Thanks again for all the feedback. I added the cigar box from the B&M, put my humi gel jar back in and it's holding steady now at 66% RH and 22 degress cel.......um aprox 72 degrees F! :cool:
See my Humis are probably too full to fit the beads in but I could easily slide a little packet in along the side. I don't know, I just know I'm sick of the humidifiers, falling on my cigars, because the styicky stuff on the back of the velcro doesn't seem to want to stay sticky!
Too humid to stick? :)

I have a bunch of gel tubes. They go in with the cigars rather than in a central location. I think that this provides more effective humidification ... or I'm just lazy. Pick one.
My digis are just around 68-71 % so I don't know, but yeah, I'm just sick of the things falling, It's in all 4 humi's! So maybe they are just cheap Humidifiers with cheap velcro, I don't know, but it sucks!