This is by far the worst cluster fuck that I've witnessed on CP. I had no idea you know-it-alls would surpass all my expectations, though.
This is by far the worst cluster fuck that I've witnessed on CP. I had no idea you know-it-alls would surpass all my expectations, though.
For the first time since joining CP I see "it" struggling to keep up with the latest breed; the "I want it all and I want it now" breed. Maybe this cluster fuck will act as a lesson and brings things around a bit.
This is by far the worst cluster fuck that I've witnessed on CP. I had no idea you know-it-alls would surpass all my expectations, though.
For the first time since joining CP I see "it" struggling to keep up with the latest breed; the "I want it all and I want it now" breed. Maybe this cluster fuck will act as a lesson and brings things around a bit.
No, the only lesson that will make sense is for some new members to be banned!
I've been preaching this for a long time now, this is not fleabay! The new members here that have taken the opportunity to call established members out have to go! This constant behind the scenes wheeling and dealing has to end. The I have the source to HTF cigars has to end and the look at me posts have to end.
Rod, please take a look at the facts and do the right thing and show some people the door! They don't deserve to be here and they bring nothing to the plate except disharmony.
Well, however Rod decides to handle this I hope that others (maybe on the fringe) will slow down and learn.
I know I have asked before and maybe there has been an answer which I didn't see or saw and forgot (sucks to get old) but why can't we have a waiting period when you register for CP membership? During this waiting period the registrant can be sent a few do's and don'ts which they would have to acknowledge prior to getting their registration. After all we are a community/fraternity and a community/fraternity usually has an approval process. That way if you acknowledge the do's and don'ts and come on here within your first couple posts and step out of line you're gone! As of now we have to let these dramas play out to see if the new person gets it.
Well, however Rod decides to handle this I hope that others (maybe on the fringe) will slow down and learn.
I know I have asked before and maybe there has been an answer which I didn't see or saw and forgot (sucks to get old) but why can't we have a waiting period when you register for CP membership? During this waiting period the registrant can be sent a few do's and don'ts which they would have to acknowledge prior to getting their registration. After all we are a community/fraternity and a community/fraternity usually has an approval process. That way if you acknowledge the do's and don'ts and come on here within your first couple posts and step out of line you're gone! As of now we have to let these dramas play out to see if the new person gets it.
There's a cute saying that goes like this..."you either is or you ain't".
Beside, what changed is the FOG's decided to let the new fellows run with things for a while...give a man enough rope!
New guys felt 'pushed' and they didn't like it...they whined loud enough to make it seem like they were being treated unfairly...oh were they treated on PUFF and it's predecessors? Even if this is the only board they ever joined, they came in here with disrepect and a child like attitude(one I know too well, I might add).
There was a reason to 'vet-out' individuals and call out others.
It's not like some of these old-timers havn't been around the block a time or too.
Oh point...why change if it worked?
Ed is a class act and having done many GB and sales with him I know he will do the right thing. After reading through the 4 pages of posts too many have gotten involved here and put in their two cents. I completely understand protecting the community and I support that, but Ed didn't know nor did he purposely do anyone wrong. He should not be facing any firing squad or criticized.
I go there for the banana smilies....
Comparison shots. Real OR on the right. Fake on the left.
Comparison shots. Real OR on the right. Fake on the left.
Great shots. I didn't think cello should be that yellow after 10 years. I wonder what was used to do that and if the cigars are even safe to smoke.
Sometimes it's easier to spot this type of person than others..Everyone else - if you're only here to get HTF cigars, sell/buy cigars, and put that before being part of the community, then you don't belong here.
The community isn't involved.
I got all giddy inside and my disease ran wild causing irrational actions.
This is by far the worst cluster fuck that I've witnessed on CP. I had no idea you know-it-alls would surpass all my expectations, though.
For the first time since joining CP I see "it" struggling to keep up with the latest breed; the "I want it all and I want it now" breed. Maybe this cluster fuck will act as a lesson and brings things around a bit.
No, the only lesson that will make sense is for some new members to be banned!
I've been preaching this for a long time now, this is not fleabay! The new members here that have taken the opportunity to call established members out have to go! This constant behind the scenes wheeling and dealing has to end. The I have the source to HTF cigars has to end and the look at me posts have to end.
Rod, please take a look at the facts and do the right thing and show some people the door! They don't deserve to be here and they bring nothing to the plate except disharmony.
On the bright side, this thread has provided for an excellent lesson in restraint. I know I've learned a bunch here. I think most, if not all here know what of this thread to keep. A few have had their stock go down, and another few have enjoyed a gain when it could have easily gone the other way.
A point about Snobs though. Besides worshiping ggeise, I'm there because I want to be. I've said it before that Snobs is the Switzerland of cigar boards. Many go there to deal with multi board scumbags like smokinj. The rest read there because they can't help themselves.
Comparison shots. Real OR on the right. Fake on the left.
Great shots. I didn't think cello should be that yellow after 10 years. I wonder what was used to do that and if the cigars are even safe to smoke.
Just significant exposure to light can yellow cello in a very short time. I have seen cigars a month old sitting out with cello piss yellow because of how they were stored.