Hows your weather?

62 degrees and raining. It's been raining all night, with some spectacular lightning and a few tornados

The rain gauge was overflowing at 4am this morning, and it's still raining.

we are not talking about my weather right now......
After I picked out those colors, I was concerned that you might swing with the other Iowa I am glad you side with Cy

I was never a Cyclone fan…until my daughter went there and I got to pay my share of the tuition! 🤣
Had a severe thunderstorm warning, a tornado warning, and hail. Icing on the cake, my parents lost power right as we tried to start dinner. That's a first that I can remember for Christmas Eve.

And we did a white elephant gift exchange.
Well, let's see if the midwest weather forecasters have a clue or not. I'm on the north edge of the 5-9" lilac area. The high over the next week is 32°, yuck. I have plenty of necessary items to get me through the week. I just hope we keep our power.

1:5:24 Snowmeggedon.png