Does anyone practice Intermittent Fasting?

I'm more a fan of intermittent gorging.

Seriously though, I need to start eating better in some fashion.
I eat dinner around 6pm and lunch the next day at noon. Doed that put me into the 16:8 club? I've always thought of alternate day fasting, not 16:8. I'm not strict enough with it, though, and eat too many calories, for it to be helping me. Well, helping me from getting larger, maybe.

Yep, that's the big thing. Although you're on a 18 (fasting) : 6 (feeding) phase, if you aren't eating good meals during those 6 hrs, it offsets the fasting.
Is there a recommended best time of day for the feeding phase? Like breakfast/lunch versus lunch/dinner? Eating when you wake up versus before bed?
Is there a recommended best time of day for the feeding phase? Like breakfast/lunch versus lunch/dinner? Eating when you wake up versus before bed?

Not from what I've read, it's all up to the individual. As long as you're giving your body enough time to burn what you've eaten and also use the stored fat as energy, it doesn't matter the time. I've started doing 8pm - 1pm as my fasting times and feeding is from 1pm - 8pm. As I get into this more, I might even combine the 16:8 and 5:2, meaning 2 days a week, I might limit myself to 600 calories. There is a lot of trial/error with this, since it's such an individual case basis.

This was the first video I watched on IF/eating/living, it's a little long, but a good one to watch :

This is a great article to read, when you have time:

Dr. Jason Fung, who is an expert in the field. His cadence/voice annoys me a little and he's pretty scientific, but you should be able to get the gist of it.

My neighbor does that and nothing else besides daily steps and has lost and kept off about 30 lbs for two years. Combined with keto, interval training, and strength training it's rocket fuel for weight loss and the restoration of general health / remission of chronic diseases. Advanced methods incorporate cryotherapy, thermotherapy, macro- and micro- nutrition, and hormone replacement for significant revitalization.

Or so I've been told. <puffs stogie>
Please! Keep in mind that a reasonable diet & exercise are the only long term weight loss and wellness solutions that will work and not potentially have a harmful impact on your health and metabolism. The main reason IF works is because one is generally taking in less calories than normal. Yes, there are some metabolic and physiological effects on a cellular level, however extreme calorie restriction will result in harmful effects that in the long run will cause more harm than good.

Here's the thing to keep in mind: If you take in less calories than you expend through daily living and activity, you will lose weight. If you have an extreme calorie deficit over a long period of time, your body will shift its basal metabolic rate (BMR) in an effort to sustain those systems necessary to keeping you alive. Or in other words, your body will adapt and learn how to survive on very little energy consumption. The issue, and research has proven this, is that it is easy to alter your BMR downward, however it does not go back up once you go back to eating a normal 2000+ Kcal diet. Therefore, once you've altered your BMR downward, then start eating normal again, you'll be at an energy surplus and will gain (sometimes rapidly) the weight back, and then some.

I know we all like to think we know that one person who did IF or extreme Fad dieting and had great results, however that's simply confirmation bias and an affirmation of what we want to believe. For every example of great results, there are 100 others who failed miserably and are now dealing with the negative side effects.

By all means, if anyone is motivated to make a healthy change in their lives I encourage that. Go for it, do your research (quality, not catchy headlines), and consider seeing a well-educated professional for advice.

I am not a registered dietician, however I do have a MS degree in Sports Nutrition and would like to think I know what I'm talking about.
I appreciate your comments Andy. I think no matter what solution works best for people, there are 100s of others where it didn't. Eating 6 meals a day, Fasting/Feeding, Atkins, Weight Watchers are all great, if they work for you or me or whomever is doing the "diets".

I'm tired of dieting, because It's never a lifestyle change and the 20 lbs comes back, because I get lazy. I've always skipped breakfast and ate lunch late, not sure why. I think IF best mirrors what my body already does, but I need to be more disciplined with it. I still plan on getting my daily calories in (within my feeding hours) along with some reasonable some exercise. Back when i lifted heavily, I was never hungry and had to force myself to eat, which was never really fun. I don't think eating, just to eat is something I'm built for.

I am planning on going to my doctor, to get a physical (which is significantly overdue) and see if this works. If it does, great....I'll continue with it. If it doesn't, then I find something else that works.
IF works for weight loss mostly by depressing appetite and buffering the insulin response cycle (tending to normalize insulin levels and ultimately insulin response). Fat burning cannot occur while blood insulin is elevated. Elevated insulin is highly correlated with general inflammation and chronic cortisol overproduction, which impedes metabolism and energy. People frequently experience increased energy via IF. Calorie restriction is obviously a factor in the weight loss but is facilitated strongly by the above.

No, I'm not a dietician but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Was trying on sport coats and suits I haven’t worn in 12+ years because I “grew out” of them and found this in a pocket of one of them lol.
I'll send it to you cause I haven't smoked it...…….you win!

I think they've been made for a long time.
First time I ever paid attention was the Peppin blend, didn't realize they'd been around that long before that.
Today marks 2 months of practicing IF. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 32 pounds, which is great. I haven't added any cardio or weights yet, but will probably in the next few weeks.

So far, it's been great. I try and keep my calories between 1600 - 2000 and drink water/coffee, during my fasting hours. I've tried to maintain a pretty healthy diet, during my feeding time, but I've still eaten a fairly normal diet (pizza, beer, burgers, etc). The one thing I've tried to do eliminate are bread and sugars. Snacks are now veggies, nuts, protein shakes, etc. I'm going to keep on keeping on and see where it takes me.
Today marks 2 months of practicing IF. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 32 pounds, which is great. I haven't added any cardio or weights yet, but will probably in the next few weeks.

So far, it's been great. I try and keep my calories between 1600 - 2000 and drink water/coffee, during my fasting hours. I've tried to maintain a pretty healthy diet, during my feeding time, but I've still eaten a fairly normal diet (pizza, beer, burgers, etc). The one thing I've tried to do eliminate are bread and sugars. Snacks are now veggies, nuts, protein shakes, etc. I'm going to keep on keeping on and see where it takes me.
I finally stopped laughing long enough to respond....if I even tried this, I'd have to turn in my Italian Card. My family is more like 'Intermittent Feasting'. Good luck!

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Was trying on sport coats and suits I haven’t worn in 12+ years because I “grew out” of them and found this in a pocket of one of them lol.
You've come a long way in your cigar selections in 12 years....:D