Worst part about all of this for me is that I lost a few boxes each of Cohiba Robustos, SIGLO IV/Vs and 2 boxes of Robustos Supremos (that I scored for USD$330 a box, 10 sticks each, due to a great FX rate back in DEC 2015). This all due to a super beetle infestation during corona virus where I was away from my place, taking care of my folks, the big 80 box humidor under control of a girlfriend who was making regular visits for upkeep, but she was unable able to give the TLC (And unable to open a window on hot days). Needless to say I had some domestic sticks (read: Fake 1964 Patron Anniv Maduros) from a not too reputable dealer that hatched this infestation.
Also lost some not too expensive but difficult to replace RASS, SerieD #4 and some others, I can't even think of because I blocked this whole thing out of my mind.
Because of this I started paying top $ (or so I thought) last summer, biting the bullet, replenishing my stock. Now for the past 6-8 months it's next to impossible to find larger format higher end ISOM smokes. And now with these price increases, not only impossible to find but impossible to afford. I will NEVER pay anything close to what these prices are today (USD$100 for a Siglo IV or V? - These were USD $14-$22 just 16-18 months ago.
I was cursing myself back in August, trying to rationalize paying $600-$700 for Cohiba Cor Especiales and $800-$900 Siglo VIs, when just a year earlier they were a little more than half of those prices. Now I am kicking myself for not buying more.
This is what happens when Millennials (almost as large a group as boomers) are in their prime earning years. There is tremendous competition for the finer things such as wines, beachfront hotels in paradise and top end cigars - basically anything with extremely limited/finite supplies. Not blaming Millennials, but boomers that are/were buying these luxury items were far and few. Gen X (me) not really that big group, but Millennials will outnumber boomers in a few short years and with just a small % of them coming into markets that prior were pretty much frequented by Gen X and boomers, there will be staggering competition. It has already started.