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Your Hometown Best

The Pass that was "lost" was Wolfman2001's pass, but it has since shown up at GilV's.

To put an end to all the discussion...why doesn't everyone just send the box by UPS for this pass. UPS makes it possible to know where the box is at every step along the way - and this can be posted. It also allows the recipient to know when it is going to arrive - with a high degree of certainty, so that they can be available on delivery day. Finally, it shows that the box IS DELIVERED, and the TIME of delivery...leaving no doubt as to whether the person received the box or not. UPS would eliminate the need for additional insurance OR C.P.I., since it is so dependable. I have no plans for starting a box pass anytime soon, but if I were going to start another one - the ship by UPS only feature would be in place. (I have requested that all of the passers in my current La Luna pass ship by UPS, and they are doing so.) It is also SAFER to have the box go by UPS, which means that it is not exposed to the hazards found in the Post Offices across the country - namely Anthrax.

I agree UPS has a tracking system and is probally safer. Its not as convienent for me as their pick up center is across town while my local post Office is down the street but either way is fine with me.

hbooker - its your pass and you make the call.... I'm still in!
I have no problem with using UPS. Let's try it this way.

When you recieve the pass use UPS then post accordingly.
If it is a problem getting to the UPS location near you then Send it USPS. Lets not make it take longer than normal if we don't have to.
See at this point this pass is yours (as in these are all of our cigars) and we need to do what is best.

All the past ones I have been in haven't had an issue, and we allways used USPS /confirmation/Insurrance without question.
If we as a group are going to start doing things a different way as a policy thats great. And If we want to use this pass to change that policy I am also open to this.

So the HTB policy is "ship it - so it gets there."
Good enough for me. Besides UPS is much closer to me AND the automatically include $100 insurance. Assuming we do ship UPS (which I believe is more reliable the USPS anyway) would you prefer that we get an addition $100 insurance (I think it'll cost $0.35) or just leave it as is and hope the UPS gods are smilng on your pass?

I know, a whole new can of worms - but I had to ask!

Dave :sign: :sign: :sign:
Dave, Dave, Dave...I can't believe you asked that question. ROFLMAO :sign:

This is mi amigo, hb's call, but personally I'd start with $200 insurance minimum, and go upwards when necessary, or when the Depends stop working! :)

Cigar Smoking and Laptop Typing,
Sam :D
When the pass gets to you I expect you to do the following:
Replace the box, but here is how.
take the contents of the box and go to your nearest Chrysler dealer, then purchase one of them there PT Cruisers place the contents of the pass on the back seat and drive it to the remaining locations, when you get here I will send you home on the greyhound.
There hows that for stipulations. GEE WIZZ
Ohh yeah make it a blue one also.
Laughing @ hbooker....... :D

That was good.......I spit coke thru my nose and on the monitor......

"and make it blue"......Bwaaahahaha!!!
You know, for some reason I feel like I'm on the sharp end of a jab here.... Is that a correct assumption?


:p :p Dave :p :p
It is my guess that you have been given a ration of poo poo.
Now don't go getting all upset over it neither.
Or I will have to send you a package to straighten you out!
I got to admidt that I am having fun with you guys..

that's all right - I know the box will get to me eventually. I think some heavily soaked vanilla flavored cigars may "accidently" get tossed in with the rest.

You ever smell those?

Don't worry, just kidding!
They won't be heavily soaked!

Dave :p
Ok, the box is here! woo Hoo!  and there is a great load of sticks in there!  
Ok, here are my takes!
1 Partagas Piramid.  I just could not resist it looked so good!
1 R&J Tubo.
1 CAO Maduro Beli
and one AF Belicoso.

My puts are
1 Cohiba Explindido habana
1 R&J cedro #3 Habanna
1 Don Carlos Belicoso
1 La gloria cubana tubo
1 Macabi
1 Cabana Presidenta
and 1 Onyx Belicoso.
Plus I took a pen!   Thanks Mike!  Im always needing a pen!
Delivery conf # is 0103-8555-7490-5291-2783
Ill be getting the box out tomorrow!

Great pass Mike!  

Thank you Mike Great Job,
With all the "slow downs" in the mail accross the country I guess we are getting real lucky.
Hb :love:
Thanks Vern,

There sure are a lot of nice sticks in there! I had a hard time deciding what to take! LOL...

Thanks for the comments and the great puts Mike.
I find it particularly nice to hear from you as you where the one who reffered me to CIgarpass.com to begin with.
So I can honestly say with out you MDMan, that pass would never existed.
Thanks again.
Gosh man! I dont know what to say! Thanks! I sure enjoy showing my hobbie off to others.. thats what makes Cigars and Cigar people so cool!
HI everyone,
Today has been one of those days. I have done my best to keep my spirits up but I need to share with everyone in this pass. I am a Bad Pass maker. Yes it's true and here is what I am talking about.
I told everyone in this pass that I will be sending out something from my hometown to each of you. I have a glitch in my plan at this moment. I will be sending each of you something from here one at a time as I scrounge up the funds.
However it may not be timely. :((

Here is what's up;
All day the wife was upset (in tears) about our situation.
So Today I made an appointment to meet with an attorney about filing chapter 7. This is not something I am proud of and it creates a large "hitch in my get-allong"
We worked ourselves out of a bad situation a long while ago and now we are facing this crap again.
The reasons she is upset are the upcoming holidays, and the we don't know what we are going to do thing.

You see I work 64 hrs a week and do the best I can but it's not good enough. This really bites. It doesn't make this man feel good about himself and being the family supporter.
Im tired guys, real tired.
I share this with you guys because I pretty much have developed some friendships with you.

I have mentioned that Im not able to purchase things, I just haven't shared how bad it's gotten. Tonight it's hitting me pretty hard, so please understand that I will do my best to honor my comitment to you all.
I realy have a hard time thinking about it.
Thankgiving is here real soon and latley groceries have been hard to get. man this f#ken hurts admitting this.
Anyway I pray tomarrow will be better.

Mike Leahy
Don't worry about it Mike ,we may not be able to help much but we will try to augment your cigar supply. I can relate as I am up against it often myself,
Mike....I am truly sorry to hear of your tough situation. I know it must be hard. One thing to remember, you have a partner there to help you through it. :) When you make it through it, the two of you will be as strong as ever. I know the holidays are a difficult time to experience hardships, however, keep your chin up and you'll do fine. :)

For what it's worth, don't send my extra item. Keep that cash and use it as you need it. ;) You'll be around here long enough, so we can make it up at a later time. :D

Again, I'm sorry to hear of your situation. You have prayers comin' at ya from Kentucky! :D Take care.
