You Learn Something New Every Year Pass aka...This space reserved...

Shane thanks for the lesson, that is awesome! Glad *somebody* gets a fuggin smoking room. Mike and Marc, P/T look great to me! I doubt many of them will make it back here but I can pretend for a little bit :D

You guys planning to ship this thing or just hand it off? I dunno how close you are to KC when you are out of school Mike.

We're going to have to ship it off. I don't think I'm going to make it back up to KC for at least a week. LMK Brad if you want me to wait on mailing it or not....

Thanks for having me Phil. This has been a great pass and fun to watch as well. I'll be sure to get a lesson posted soon :thumbs:
I hate the idea of this getting stuck in the postal system for the holiday. But it shouldn't take more than a day to get to us (under normal mailing circumstances). Your pass Phil, it's your call?
Mike if you guys can get it off today go ahead and mail it imo. If it is too much of a hassle it is probably worth just waiting until Friday.
Mike if you guys can get it off today go ahead and mail it imo. If it is too much of a hassle it is probably worth just waiting until Friday.

Will do...I'll post the DC# this afternoon.

DC# 01038555749585616617
I got a PM from Phil asking me not to put Sausage in the pass. So I thought that I would teach you guys something about something that cums out of your sausage... Sperm! Did you know that for a sperm to win the the race to the egg that it has to travel the approximate distance that it would take (in scale)for a human to swim from New York to England! Your baby is a champion even before it is born. I also learned this year that Stumble Upon is one of the most addictive thing to hit the internet since E-Bay. Enjoy you Holiday gang. I PMed Phil my P/Ts, if he approves them, I will post them later.
T # 15 Davidoff old and crusty / P #143 LG A (Personally handed to me from Litto Gomez)
T # 111 Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 OR / P #144 Cohiba X Linea 1492 Humidor Siglo V
T # 138 Opus X Love Story / P # 145 Padron Family Reserve #44

P# 146 Bolivar Exclusivo Canada
P# 147 AF 858 SG
P# 148 Padron Family Reserve #44

Edit for the rarity factor.
T #11 CF 10th Anni. / P #143 Padron Family Reserve #44
T # 15 Davidoff old and crusty / P #144 LG A (Personally handed to me from Litto Gomez)
T # 111 Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 OR / P #145 Cohiba X Linea 1492 Humidor Siglo V
T # 138 Opus X Love Story / P # 146 Padron Family Reserve #44

P# 147 Bolivar Exclusivo Canada
P# 148 AF 858 SG

This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.
T #11 CF 10th Anni. / P #143 Padron Family Reserve #44
T # 15 Davidoff old and crusty / P #144 LG A (Personally handed to me from Litto Gomez)
T # 111 Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 OR / P #145 Cohiba X Linea 1492 Humidor Siglo V
T # 138 Opus X Love Story / P # 146 Padron Family Reserve #44

P# 147 Bolivar Exclusivo Canada
P# 148 AF 858 SG

This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.
Dropped that take.
This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.

How many of the Padron's were made...and how much are they?
And now as promised, my lesson.


Sports are part of the fabric of our culture. They're part of our language too. Here are the origins of a few common sports terms.

Meaning: In basketball, a high pass caught in midair by a teammate who tries to stuff the ball in the basket before landing.

Origin: "Probably coined by American Soldiers during WWI. It's from the French allez (go) plus oop, a French pronunciation of the English up. During the 1920's allez-oop became alley-oop, commonly said upon lifting something. In the late 1950s, San Francisco 49er quarterback Y.A. Tittle invented a lob pass called the alley-oop that was thrown over the head of defenders to his very tall receiver, R.C. Owens. By the 1970s, it had been adapted to describe the schoolyard basketball play it is today."

Meaning: In golf, one stroke over par

Origin: "Bogey, 'an imaginary thing that causes fear,' gives us the bogeyman, who scares children, and a popular 1890 song called 'Colonel Bogey.' In England, when you were doing exceptionally well it was said Colonel Bogey was playing with you. When someone did well on a particular hole, they thought the Colonel was lending a hand; a player doing poorly was said to be losing to Bogey. As golf became organized, par became the standard score and a bogey became one more than the duffer's aim."

Meaning: A very stupid play

Origin: "The original bonehead play was made in 1908 by Fred Merkle, the New York Giants first baseman. It was the bottom of the ninth inning. There were two outs. Moose McCormick was on third and Merkle was on first. The next man up singled to center, and McCormick scored the winning run. But Merkle ran into the dugout-he never touched second base. Johnny Evers of the Cubs got the ball and stepped on second, forcing Merkle out. The winning run was nullified and the Giants lost. The Cubs and Giants finished the season tied for first place, and the Cubs won the pennant in a play-off game. A sportswriter's reference to Merkle's blunder as a 'bonehead play' introduced the phrase into the lexicon."

Meaning: The scoring of three consecutive goals in a game-usually hockey or soccer-by the same player

Origin: "This American phrase comes from the 19th-century tradition of awarding a new hat (or the proceeds of passing a hat) to British Cricket Bowlers when they bowled down three wickets with three successful balls. Although it's now mainly associated with hockey, hat trick has also been used for a jockey who wins three consecutive races, or a soccer player who scores three goals in one game."

Meaning: In tennis, a bat with an oval frame, strung with nylon

Origin: "Tennis balls were originally hit with the palm of the hand, called raquette, probably from the Arabic rahat meaning the same. As tennis evolved, gloves were used, then boards, then paddles, and finally the long handled racket used today. All were called by the name raquette, which became the English word racket. The French call tennis le jeu de paume (the palm game)."

Meaning: The small peg with a concave head that is placed in the ground to support the ball before it is struck

Origin: "The first tees were just small handfuls of sand or dirt off which golf balls were hit. The Scottish word was first recorded in 1673 as teaz, but people thought this was the plural. of tee and over the years, tee became the singular form. The little wooden pegs we call tees today were invented in the 1920s by William Lowell, a dentist from New Jersey."

Thanks for inviting me into yet another awesome pass Phil. :thumbs:
This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.

How many of the Padron's were made...and how much are they?
Not really sure on the amount made. I know that they are only available at events. We have done 3 events with them and only got them once. We only got 3 boxes of 50. They were $37.50 a piece. I buy cigars from Padron once a week. We ask almost every time we order and we never get them.
T #11 CF 10th Anni. / P #143 Padron Family Reserve #44
T # 15 Davidoff old and crusty / P #144 LG A (Personally handed to me from Litto Gomez)
T # 111 Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 OR / P #145 Cohiba X Linea 1492 Humidor Siglo V
T # 138 Opus X Love Story / P # 146 Padron Family Reserve #44

P# 147 Bolivar Exclusivo Canada
P# 148 AF 858 SG

This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.

MV for the CF10 is around $30 a stick. As far as he rarity thing, I would say they are pretty similar imo.
T #11 CF 10th Anni. / P #143 Padron Family Reserve #44
T # 15 Davidoff old and crusty / P #144 LG A (Personally handed to me from Litto Gomez)
T # 111 Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 OR / P #145 Cohiba X Linea 1492 Humidor Siglo V
T # 138 Opus X Love Story / P # 146 Padron Family Reserve #44

P# 147 Bolivar Exclusivo Canada
P# 148 AF 858 SG

This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.

MV for the CF10 is around $30 a stick. As far as he rarity thing, I would say they are pretty similar imo.

If you can find a CF10 for $30 then buy them all. I have never seen one for sale for less than $50-60 a stick. As for Rarity there are only 100 boxes of 10 on the CF10's. The Padron Family Reserve #44 is brought to most events where Jorge Padron is at. The fact that the outlaw has gotten 3 boxes of 50, is a good indication that they are more common than then CF10. There have been 5 Padron events here locally in the last month where each received a box of 50. Jorge Padron also came into my local store and set up a even for March where he said he would be bringing more of them to. So although these are a rare cigar they are much more readily available than the CF10 imho.
On phone so forgive any typoes. Great lesson John,thanks! Mike I agree with Josh. While the padron is rare jorge himself last month they are still being produced albeit in limited quantity, vs the cf 10 which was a one time 1k stick run. they are probably right there price wise but not in terms of quantity and availability. Just my take on the rarity aspect of that particular release. i also suspect it is harder to find the cf10 now than a year ago because many have been gifted/traded/smoked
On phone so forgive any typoes. Great lesson John,thanks! Mike I agree with Josh. While the padron is rare jorge himself last month they are still being produced albeit in limited quantity, vs the cf 10 which was a one time 1k stick run. they are probably right there price wise but not in terms of quantity and availability. Just my take on the rarity aspect of that particular release. i also suspect it is harder to find the cf10 now than a year ago because many have been gifted/traded/smoked

So it is written, so shall it be...well, you know! :thumbs:
I'm good with this. No need for drama. It's kinda hard to come up with something for that cigar. I got to smoke one last year (a gift from a friend ;) ). It was pretty amazing.
I'm good with this. No need for drama. It's kinda hard to come up with something for that cigar. I got to smoke one last year (a gift from a friend ;) ). It was pretty amazing.

No drama Smoky...just a poke at Phil. :D

Merry Christmas and enjoy your New Year!!!
On phone so forgive any typoes. Great lesson John,thanks! Mike I agree with Josh. While the padron is rare jorge himself last month they are still being produced albeit in limited quantity, vs the cf 10 which was a one time 1k stick run. they are probably right there price wise but not in terms of quantity and availability. Just my take on the rarity aspect of that particular release. i also suspect it is harder to find the cf10 now than a year ago because many have been gifted/traded/smoked

No worries, just throwing out my $.02 :thumbs:

Edited to add: I have never seen them go for the $50-60 range, and if that is the case, that is just sad to say the least.
I'm good with this. No need for drama. It's kinda hard to come up with something for that cigar. I got to smoke one last year (a gift from a friend ;) ). It was pretty amazing.

No drama Smoky...just a poke at Phil. :D

Merry Christmas and enjoy your New Year!!!
Oh Phil needs all the poking we can give him. Besides he's one of the few that smell like my sausage...
Merry Christmas gang!
Mike: I agree it is sick what prices become for things that start out very reasonable and in this case I didn't take issue with the price matchup for that very reason, it was just an attainability/rarity thing. As another example, right now people are selling the Padron Millennium humis for over 6k, which is pretty offensive to me.

Gary: I am the walrus.

Brad: I love the smell of your sausage, you are the greatest!

Observers: There is no drama here, people are allowed to discuss whether a put makes sense without it turning into a menstrual crying session. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
T #11 CF 10th Anni. / P #143 Padron Family Reserve #44
T # 15 Davidoff old and crusty / P #144 LG A (Personally handed to me from Litto Gomez)
T # 111 Edmundo Dantes Conde 109 OR / P #145 Cohiba X Linea 1492 Humidor Siglo V
T # 138 Opus X Love Story / P # 146 Padron Family Reserve #44

P# 147 Bolivar Exclusivo Canada
P# 148 AF 858 SG

This is the only one I can see an issue with. The CF10's where a one time release of 1000 cigars. Rarity and price don't match up.

The rest look great and very generous on your extra puts Brad.

MV for the CF10 is around $30 a stick. As far as he rarity thing, I would say they are pretty similar imo.

If you can find a CF10 for $30 then buy them all. I have never seen one for sale for less than $50-60 a stick. As for Rarity there are only 100 boxes of 10 on the CF10's. The Padron Family Reserve #44 is brought to most events where Jorge Padron is at. The fact that the outlaw has gotten 3 boxes of 50, is a good indication that they are more common than then CF10. There have been 5 Padron events here locally in the last month where each received a box of 50. Jorge Padron also came into my local store and set up a even for March where he said he would be bringing more of them to. So although these are a rare cigar they are much more readily available than the CF10 imho.

Are you saying you are buying CF10s for $60.00 each Josh :whistling:?
