You Learn Something New Every Year Pass aka...This space reserved...

Pass arrived in good shape. Marc and I will go through and post our P/Ts and get it shipped out Monday.
For the price of 2-4 boxes of smokes you too can have a smoke room.

Ever since I moved into my house I had wanted a room to smoke in. I had an upstairs room with a window fan for the rainy summer nights, but not a "Cigar Room/Man Cave". Yea I boasted about my little room and how I could smoke inside. All along my inner soul was not satisfied. Something needed fixin', an empty place in my life, with desires too mortal for the average non/cigar smoking man. I HAD to have a true smoking room. Delusions of granduer filled my head, mohogany lined walls, leather couches, a fancy bar, a pool table, a card table, a walk in humi, the list went on and on. Ahhhh sweet nuggets of heaven were falling, naked temptress' were filling my mind and dancing on the brass pole in my man cave. Then a suck ass thought popped up. How much would this cost.... The dream faded and I woke up in my lazy boy in my lame ass room with a window fan. I tried to rationalize how much "re-sale value", said room would add the house, the wife just smiled and pointed me back to my lame ass room with a window fan. So the story went for a few years.......


I dropped in to check out Depasta's smoke room. Just the thrill of smoking inside a house blinded me to my surroundings. I asked Dan how much it cost him to get set up. "As little as possible, its a Man Cave" I was sitting on a leather couch though, had to be expensive i thought. "Hell no the back is ripped off, got it on the cheap, if a beer gets spilled on it who cares" That one line changed my whole outlook on a man cave. And yes a whole beer got spilled on it that night, and no one seemed to mind.

A man cave, yes a true man cave is nothing flashy, more like the hole in the wall bar where you feel the most comfortable. I mean are you more comfortable in a tux, or your favorite jeans and favorite ball cap. You knock over something, burn a hole in something who cares. I would feel like a whore in church if i dropped a few grand on a leather couch and sat on it with a drink and a smoke worrying the whole time about spilling or burning it. My friends a man cave, is just that. A comfortable place where "Shit don't matter" a nice soul soothing room, to escape by yourself or with friends.

Once I saw the light budget was 500 bucks and I ended up hitting 700 for the intial room.

Now not all houses can be retro-fitted for a Man Cave. A basement works best, even a garage.

Mine is in my basment. In a corner so I had two walls already up.

First I scraped all loose material off the concrete walls, then bought some triple p cleaner and a nylon bristled brush and cleaned the walls.

Second I used some concrete caulk and filled in the cracks around where the slab and walls met.

Third I painted the concrete walls with Drylok masonry sealer, yes in can be tinted.

Third I framed up the remaining two walls and hung a door. One tip I used screws instead of nails, in case later down the line I wanted to take the room down.

Fourth I wired the room for electric, cable and surround.

Fifth I hung cheap wood paneling up, 12 dollars a sheet. Didn't want to mess with finishing drywall. The goal is cheap and quick.

Sixth I installed the ventilation. I found a Nutone qt300 (Dan learned me that). It is a 300cfm fan and very quiet. It was the single most expensive item, and also the lengthest. I had to drill through the walls and brick to run the vent pipe. Hooked a dryer vent outlet outside to it.

Last I epoxied the floor, bought a garage floor kit, had it tinted and followed the directions, worked out great.

Now I have a smoking room. The deep burning has been quenched. (coulda been the ant-biotics :laugh: ) I have a true ventilated smoke room. You don't have to get all fancy, once again cheap and quick. I kick on the fan, fire up a smoke and you can't smell it anywhere in the house, nor any after smell.

I moved the flat screen in, wife didn't like it anyway.

So for 700 bucks, yes you can have a smoking room. everything was bought at Lowe's cept for the fan, it came from Home Depot.

The finished product.

Video Click here

Don't say you can't cause you can.

Thanks for lettin me play
A man cave, yes a true man cave is nothing flashy, more like the hole in the wall bar where you feel the most comfortable. I mean are you more comfortable in a tux, or your favorite jeans and favorite ball cap.

You can admit that your "man cave" is really a "Knitting & Scrapbooking Nook" -- look at the soap opera on in the background for Christ's sake. Who do you think you're kidding, anyway, Shooter?


EDIT: I forgot I'm not in the pass. Never mind! :D
Shooter, your man cave is amazing, if for nothing else than because you have a leg lamp. WONDERFUL.
I like the Outlaw calender on the wall as well. That ALMOST offsets your soaps.
Looks like The Outlaw is next, we are ready and waiting.

Shooter, you need to get a new Outlaw calendar, that one is becoming outdated.
Proposed T/Ps:

40. RE Ramon Allones Gran Robusto/ 134. Partagas Piramide EL '00
78. Diplomatico #7 '85/ 135. La Escepcion Longo '86
79. HUSC '01/ 136. Punch SS#2 '01

137. H. Upmann Monarch '98 (unbanded)

Let me know how these look guys.
Proposed T/Ps:

40. RE Ramon Allones Gran Robusto/ 134. Partagas Piramide EL '00
78. Diplomatico #7 '85/ 135. La Escepcion Longo '86
79. HUSC '01/ 136. Punch SS#2 '01

137. H. Upmann Monarch '98 (unbanded)

Let me know how these look guys.

I'll tell you how they look, if you send them off to me!

Good stuff.

My proposed P/T

58.) Davidoff 100th Diademas Finas/ 138) Opus X Love Story from box 51/55
126.) SLR seris A may 06 / 139) Punch Corona 98
106).1997 La Gloria Cubana MdO #2/ 140) Saint Luis Rey Corona ’93
117.) H. Upmann No. 2 '02 (unbanded)/141) Monte #2 ’01 (unbanded)

142) Juan Lopez Corona ‘01
Looks like I'm going to have this pass and Andys at the same time. Maybe we should swap them? Unfortunately Fandruff will not be in the area to play but everybody else will contribute.
Looks like The Outlaw is next, we are ready and waiting.

Shooter, you need to get a new Outlaw calendar, that one is becoming outdated.

I know I need a new one. How do I go about gettin one?
Shane thanks for the lesson, that is awesome! Glad *somebody* gets a fuggin smoking room. Mike and Marc, P/T look great to me! I doubt many of them will make it back here but I can pretend for a little bit :D

You guys planning to ship this thing or just hand it off? I dunno how close you are to KC when you are out of school Mike.
Shane thanks for the lesson, that is awesome! Glad *somebody* gets a fuggin smoking room. Mike and Marc, P/T look great to me! I doubt many of them will make it back here but I can pretend for a little bit :D

You guys planning to ship this thing or just hand it off? I dunno how close you are to KC when you are out of school Mike.

We're going to have to ship it off. I don't think I'm going to make it back up to KC for at least a week. LMK Brad if you want me to wait on mailing it or not....

Thanks for having me Phil. This has been a great pass and fun to watch as well. I'll be sure to get a lesson posted soon :thumbs: