My tiebreaker has PMed me his vote and I can now declare the winner: Elittle. The secret judge felt Evan's lesson was both originally crafted and utilitarian in the sense that enough information was supplied for the process to be replicated. Honorable mentions to Andy and the pirate who were also both ahead at points during the contest.
Things I have learned from this pass:
The USPS will deliver your shit to whomever they feel deserves it, even if they are in a different building.
Piracy can happen to you!
Beefish are an abomination.
People are lazy bastards and don't like posting lessons.
Enjoy your time spent with friends rather than rushing through life, sharing a cigar or otherwise, as you never know when it might be the last time for either of you. Although not a new lesson for me, it was certainly reinforced this year when our last player moved on to whatever comes next.
Tony always wins!
Thanks for another great pass guys!