Looks good guys! What are you gonna teach us about?
I will show you how to make a Pepsi Can Alcohol Stove for backpacking. With a few simple tools, time, and beer consumption you too can have a light weight piece of backpacking equipment.
What am I talking about? Well, the concept for this project comes from the Swedish military Trangia stove.
As taken from
"The basic design dates back more than one hundred years.[1] It consists of a double wall gas generator, a perforated burner ring, and an inner pre-heat chamber...the double wall acts as a gas generator, transferring heat from the flame to the fuel. This effect enhances combustion, producing more heat than other passive designs. The inner wall also creates a convenient preheat chamber for starting the stove. Once the fuel has warmed up, its vapor will travel up the hollow wall, pass through the perforations, and form a ring of flame"
--Basic Tools and Supplies Needed--
1 - Pepsi brand beverage can (needs to be Pepsi brand for diameter and aluminum quality....trust me it will save time of swearing :whistling: )
1 - 14.9oz Guinness, Murphy's, Bodingtons or other similar British import beer can
A razor hobby knife
Tin snips, or heavy hobby scissors
Super glue (not necessary, but can be helpful)
--Very basic instructions--
Now the summary I will give here is the very basic idea of how you construct this device. I would highly recommend that if you would like to see a more detailed instruction set you check out
SCOTT'S PEPSI-G STOVE INSTRUCTIONS which is where I started out.
1-First drink the Pepsi and the Beer (or dump out the Pepsi and drink the beer

2-You will need to cut the bottoms off of both of the cans so that they are the same height (aprox 3/4 inch)
3-For the Pepsi can bottom you will need to remove the inner concave section leaving the outer ring (see the Scott's instructions for images and details)
4-Once this is done take the Pepsi bottom and make a series of 32 evenly spaced small holes along the top rim
This is now your stove top.
5-Take the remained of the Guinness can and cut it so that you have a sheet of metal
6-From this sheet you will need to make a ring that is slightly taller that the body parts (so aorund 7/8 inch), and tightly fits inside the the inner ring of the Pepsi can top. (This is where the super glue comes in handy. Once the ring is formed glue it so it will stay formed and not just be a curl of metal.
7-Make 3 notches along the bottom edge of the ring
This is your inner wall
8-Make a small notch in the top of the Guinness can.
9-Now the tricky part, Fitting.
10- Making sure the inner wall is resting in teh Guinness can, slowly press the Pepsi top over the Guinness bottom
11-As you slowly press the two together you may need to make a small crease in the Guinness can along the notch (I told you, you would need it

12-Just make sure the inner wall lines up tightly with the top of the Pepsi can.
13-Press gently until you meet resistance.
14-You're finished.
Now you can light up your stove and impress your friends with you mad skillz :thumbs: