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You know how to tell you're not 20 anymore?

Tall Paul said:
You break your foot coming down from a rebound in basketball... :(
Hey Paul it could be worse. Oh wait, no it couldn't.

Heal quickly and pump out a few cigar reviews. Doug
Broke my foot once. It sucks. Cut it off and get a peg, imo.
Heal fast, Paul!
Sorry to hear.  Hopefully no surgery will be involved, heal quick bro!
Well after my appointment on Monday I found out that the break in my foot is not the normal on the bone that it is. I broke the 5th metatarsal mid shaft and is not a typical break of that bone causing it to may need surgery. I currently need to wait 4 weeks to see if the bone starts to heal on its own and if not under the knife I go right before Christmas. If it has started to heal on its own the normal waiting game continues. If I need to go under the knife then recovery is said to be 6-8 weeks and that will be a big shit storm! A big rain on my parade was when the surgeon asked if I smoke and the talk of cigars started. He stated that it will inhibit the healing process of the bones... Yup that really sucks!
Fingers crossed for Dec. 16th

In Case anyone was interested I found this.
ironpeddler said:
You break your foot coming down from a rebound in basketball... :(
Speak for yourself kid. 
I'm looking forward to dunking a basketball again now that I have new hips.
I bet your dunks are spectacular!

When boredom sets in you turn your tv into a 60" computer monitor..
ironpeddler said:
When boredom sets in you turn your tv into a 60" computer monitor..
I know the feeling...being laid up and housebound sucks!
I see you have your tree up already Gary. Getting a little anxious for Christmas?
duglynukem said:

When boredom sets in you turn your tv into a 60" computer monitor..
I know the feeling...being laid up and housebound sucks!
I see you have your tree up already Gary. Getting a little anxious for Christmas?

If you only knew!  :whistling:
Well I had my 4 week check up today and sadly was given the news I didn't want to hear. The bone has healed very little and not proper. So I need to undergo surgery at the end of the week. It's currently looking like Friday but that may change. The Dr. need to drill out the bone and put a screw down the center to hold it together. Looking like I'll be out of work another 4-8 weeks after the surgery... GREAT!
Well when it rains it pours,
Tall Paul said:
Well I had my 4 week check up today and sadly was given the news I didn't want to hear. The bone has healed very little and not proper. So I need to undergo surgery at the end of the week. It's currently looking like Friday but that may change. The Dr. need to drill out the bone and put a screw down the center to hold it together. Looking like I'll be out of work another 4-8 weeks after the surgery... GREAT!
Well when it rains it pours,
That really sucks. I know being laid up sucks hard. Had my pretty major Knee surgery 5 months ago now and I'm just finally starting to get around like normal without much pain. Besides I knew I wasnt 20 anymore if I ate taco bell and had to eat a buncha Tums or else I was in for a long night lol
My wife had the same situation ten years ago and at some point the doctors wanted to operate. A friend suggested a chiropractor she knew. With the use of electrodes and other healing methods I don't pretend to understand, she was able to avoid surgery. Just throwing it out there. One way or the other; good luck Paul.
Paul that really sucks. Hope you have an easy surgery and a speedy recovery.
Good luck on monday, sucks that you are going trough this during the holidays too! BTW, I’m 6’6 and people ask me all the time if I play basketball and my answer has been for the last 6 years or so “I only play extreme sports, I play Bingo” they always seem to have a laugh out of my answer and I no longer have to answer any more basketball questions :laugh: