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Yanque Base Ball


Jesus of Cool, I'm bad, I'm nationwide
Nov 14, 2003
been berry berry good to me.

4 5 runs in the ninth should do it.
Off to the ALCS for the 15th time :thumbs:
Sorry AVB can't support you here. Go Tigers! Yank the Spankies...er...Spank the Yankees
A tough match up is good for the game no matter who wins. The Baltimore series was great to watch same with the Cards and Nats.
You got that right avb some of the best baseball I watched all year.
Another excellent playoff game. It could only have been better if Jeter didn't get hurt and the Yankees won.
All is good in yankee land....Mariano Rivera was seen taking fielding practice at shortstop prior to today's game
So one away from being swept by the Tigers! A-Fraud is looking great warming the bench and hitting on fans for what $30,000,000 this year. He is the top paid player in MLB and he is sat in the ALCS WTF!

You Yankees fans have to be pissed at his performance this year. To think you still have 5 more years left in the 10 year contract! That's a lot of money to warm the bench in October! Its sad that Jeter is out I really like him he';s a true player. Hopefully the Yankees figure out a way to Drop the A-Fraud contract this post season! He's your Dice K...LOL
It's would so easy to gloat. I'm going to take the high road. It's sad when a noble franchise hits bottom. What would Lou, Joe and Don think?

Yea right, YANKEES SUCK!
All you Sox and Met fans can do this time of year is hate on the Yankees...and most Yankee fans don't like A-rod either.

He's a pussy...plain and simple
All sports contracts should be based on future performance and not what you did in the past.