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Wow... you freaking guys...

I'm with you, my friend.

We agree because it's obvious you have taken the time to read through the archives and have taken those experiences to heart . That's a good thing too because you tend to post whore more are more active and vocal than many old school members who haunt CPass.

What is missing from reading the old threads now is experiencing how they unfolded over time - throughtout an afternoon, day or weeks. Some of the best humor/drama/curiosity is lost by reading it all at once.

This might interest some : Link
I really didn't mean to spark a debate about the ethics and moral implications of including extras in trades; whether it be through sheer generosity or the somewhat contemptible expectation of return. I'm simply stating that I'm overwhelmed by the integrity, spirit, and hospitality of the people that I've dealt with thus far. Whether it be the holiday season or an overabundance in their humi, you guys sure are a crowd.
Oh CRAP! I'm on MMM's sh!t list again. :(
Reputation is everything around here..
..and it's most deserving when it's earned through consistency over time, both publicly and behind the scenes.

..so for those without any, a public acknowledgment helps them out.
It's always proper protocol to thank a sender once an item is received, either privately or publicly. In general, new members prefer the benefits of a public acknowlegement and senior members are satisfied with a PM.

The acknowledgement after the fact is different from my point of broadcasting one's intentions as a sender. Some sender's even choose to be anonymous. :0

Sure, some have ulterior motives, but not everyone does.
I agree, thankfully they are still in the vast minority here. I see some member's profiles document every bomb they've sent out and received ( including the recepient or sender ) - what's that all about?
My original post was pointed at no one in particular, but everyone in general. Just food for thought - and if it hits close to home for some, maybe they'll see some reward in a different perspective. ;)

I do this...
Just something I started doing and never thought that much about it.
I do like to acknowledge received bombs.
I guess it is completely pointless to advertise bombs sent out.
I will not be doing this in the future.
It did help me maintain a record...
So I will just move it off-line.

I'm with you, my friend.

We agree because it's obvious you have taken the time to read through the archives and have taken those experiences to heart . That's a good thing too because you tend to post whore more are more active and vocal than many old school members who haunt CPass.

What is missing from reading the old threads now is experiencing how they unfolded over time - throughtout an afternoon, day or weeks. Some of the best humor/drama/curiosity is lost by reading it all at once.

This might interest some : Link
Kirk, you're a
wise man, indeed.

I'm with you, my friend.

We agree because it's obvious you have taken the time to read through the archives and have taken those experiences to heart . That's a good thing too because you tend to post whore more are more active and vocal than many old school members who haunt CPass.

What is missing from reading the old threads now is experiencing how they unfolded over time - throughtout an afternoon, day or weeks. Some of the best humor/drama/curiosity is lost by reading it all at once.

This might interest some : Link
Kirk, you're a
wise man, indeed.


LOL I needed that it's been a long week!
Its hard to understand as a noob but CP is best explained as being christmas year round if your excited by cigars. Its almost overwhelming at first but than you realize its the guys/ladies that make cp. The trade is a private event between two people and the kudos are welcome but best kept private. As for generosity? As long as its understood that thats all it is. What goes around comes around and a trade that you were gracious in should never be expected to be any more than just that.

we all suck - evident by the fact we cannot add correctly!