Oh, was I supposed to take this seriously? In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.
Fuckin' A.
- Tim
Oh, was I supposed to take this seriously? In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.
Oh, was I supposed to take this seriously? In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.
Fuckin' A.
- Tim
Agreed, swearing just for the sake of swearing merely casts light on the speaker's ignorance and lack of command of the English language.
... but rather than call it BBMF or BB MF**ker or anything else, we just used that NASTY word in the open.
... but rather than call it BBMF or BB MF**ker or anything else, we just used that NASTY word in the open.
Is there really a difference between F**ker and Fucker? Really? When you read F**ker, do you read it is "fasteriskasterisker"?
Does this mean that in the spirit of a grand conversation; Souldog24ca won't let me into his place so I can see that super great table he just finished?
Does this mean that in the spirit of a grand conversation; Souldog24ca won't let me into his place so I can see that super great table he just finished?
Why? I didn't criticize him, just the open use of the word.
I knew the chit was going to hit the fan when I wrote it. It's over.
So, unless you are going to send me an Opus X so I can see what this fuss is about, I'll go buy my own and we can compare notes.
***** I just stopped and re-read CRQuarto's reply" Then it hit me. I was a kid in the '40's and a teenager in the '50's. You got clap from sitting on toilet seats. if you beet your Meet, you were going to get syphilis and you didn't have sex until you were married." Yes, it appears I am definitely OLD SCHOOL. I am not ashamed of this, nor can I change it; and maybe, just maybe I learned another lesson, even though I don't like it. Thanks all for your input. You are never too old to stop learning.
... but rather than call it BBMF or BB MF**ker or anything else, we just used that NASTY word in the open.
Is there really a difference between F**ker and Fucker? Really? When you read F**ker, do you read it is "fasteriskasterisker"?
Tom....can you give me the phonetic version of this one....
Big Bad Mother F$%#*@
If you were in a room full of people who you didn't know, and you had something to say, WOULD YOU YELL IT AT THEM AT FULL VOLUME? Caps lock is the equivalent of yelling at people.
I actually really don't care, but these things happen on the internet. I don't nitpick. Personally I fucking love to swear.
I haven't looked on CP, but don't most forums have the option for a user to enable a profanity filter? Not that I'd want to, because life is full of people who swear. Words are only offensive if you allow them to offend you.