I may have lost the battle with Kenny but I have not lost the war!
Now some of you may be wondering how the Vernanator, with his mighty fortress , bomb sniffing wonder dog, and robot could have lost. Well, this is how it happened, the end of last week as you will recall I recived a potentaly devestating package from Kenny that was luckly defused with only a few fingers burnt. And then on monday I recived the BOMB from the worm ( oh yea,we still haven't found the robot). Well I had just come back from the woods when the UPS driver arrived with two packages that looked like some kind of catalouge order, but NOOOOO ..evidently the first package from kenny was just a ploy so I would let down my guard, now one of these packages was heavier than the other so I opened it first, I got a good look at it before it went off and then BOOM, the explosion actually opened the second package and BOOM again, I haven't been so devestated since Devin, bye the way the dog went and hid before I opened these, so she is fine.
So here is my final word of warning to all those that engage in cigar wars, DON'T MESS WITH THE BOYS FROM TEXAS (or their women) These guys don't lose. of course that doesn't apply to them lowly Worms from that other place, bless their hearts.
Now some of you may be wondering how the Vernanator, with his mighty fortress , bomb sniffing wonder dog, and robot could have lost. Well, this is how it happened, the end of last week as you will recall I recived a potentaly devestating package from Kenny that was luckly defused with only a few fingers burnt. And then on monday I recived the BOMB from the worm ( oh yea,we still haven't found the robot). Well I had just come back from the woods when the UPS driver arrived with two packages that looked like some kind of catalouge order, but NOOOOO ..evidently the first package from kenny was just a ploy so I would let down my guard, now one of these packages was heavier than the other so I opened it first, I got a good look at it before it went off and then BOOM, the explosion actually opened the second package and BOOM again, I haven't been so devestated since Devin, bye the way the dog went and hid before I opened these, so she is fine.
So here is my final word of warning to all those that engage in cigar wars, DON'T MESS WITH THE BOYS FROM TEXAS (or their women) These guys don't lose. of course that doesn't apply to them lowly Worms from that other place, bless their hearts.