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Words of Wisdom....

My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer
About 18 months ago. After a year of chemo and surgery she's appeared to beat it. I called her yesterday to let her know about Jon. She had met him once and was smitten with his dashing good looks and that charming smile. She is only 4'11" so he appeared as a giant to her.
She also informed me she had a checkup and is still clear of any cancer.
I've grown to appreciate her more through this. I've got issues with her due to how I was raised. I've raised my kids totally different and it's paid off. But she is still my mom and I'm so glad she's ok and I appreciate her a lot more now.
Jonesy said:
 I find it ironic that someone I never met, was comfortable enough to come to me and ask advice, just vent, or talk about whatever problem he was facing at the time.
Sometimes it's just easier that way. Not as much baggage or judgement I guess... not sure if those are the right words.
What is really so sad to me is when someone is so depressed to be in that state of mind, they don't/can't understand it is only a temporary place and can/will go away.  My thoughts for your son Brian.
Brian, thank you for the reminder and good luck with your son. I really hope everything works out for you.
Thanks Brian! In our busy lives, it is easy to forget the important things, like the I love yous and just finding time to sit down and talk.
Good luck with your son.
Very well said Brian.  Since my kids came along, I have always told them, and the rest of my family how much I love them every day.  It took them being born for me to really understand this, and I make sure all of my family and friends know how much they mean to me.
I hope everything works out with your son.
He was released yesterday and had a good day. Tonight he talked about killing himself again, this time, he knew how he was going to do it so needless to say any meds and knives were locked up. It's a tough situation for anyone, that's why I posted what I did originally. He told me tonight he'd hate me for the rest of the night if he had to go back to the hospital. I told him I'd rather him hate me and be alive than to find him dead. You really don't know how helpless you can feel until something like this happens to you. Ironpeddler called me today and helped me a great deal on what to do and mmburtch has been pm'ing me about it. That's what you new guys need to realize, we ARE a family here and help each other out, no matter the circumstances and there's never any judgement. Just honest to goodness caring people that look out for one another.
Prayers sent for you and your family Brian. Stay strong brother, "and this too shall pass."