While cutting up habaneros one night, my Great Dane kept sticking his nose onto the counter. All three dogs are right up my butt, which was a bit out of the norm. I said, screw it, here have one, And let let the Dane grab one. He dropped it after the first chomp.
So now, the Alpha, a Peekapoo, snatches it. Now Mason was a very smart Peekapoo. But I submit that I was smarter-er.

He liked to taunt the other dogs with whatever prize he might have, be it food, toy, etc. So, he would keep it about a foot in front of him, and just guard it.
Well, I knew the little shit better than he knew himself, so I faked like I was going to grab it. Sure as shit, he grabs it and starts chewing. I'm still hovering, and he's snorting, gasping, shaking his head, sneezing, etc. but he'll be damned if he's letting the prize go. He finally got it down. Then came to me for more. Unbelieveable.