man!!! talk about above and beyoond. thanks joe!!
<comencing pee pee dance>
that's why i missed this sight so much during my
internet heighatous(sp.?) everyone here is so cool,
and free with sharing information, support, gars, you
name it. we all have our occasional differences, but
in the end we really do seem to act like(maybe even
closer than some)brothers. :thumbs:
can you feeeeeel the loooove?
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
<comencing pee pee dance>
that's why i missed this sight so much during my
internet heighatous(sp.?) everyone here is so cool,
and free with sharing information, support, gars, you
name it. we all have our occasional differences, but
in the end we really do seem to act like(maybe even
closer than some)brothers. :thumbs:
can you feeeeeel the loooove?
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: