Short verison - A cigar is an experience, and you can't limit yourself by price. Availabilty is the true limit to overcome!
for me, a cigar is an hour of kids, no wife, Friends and music. Can you really put a price on that?
$2 sticks are for mowing the lawn...
$20 bucks is the cost of admission to an evening of Paco de Lucia on my 5.1 Dolby surround sound mp3 hook-up on my porch.
You tell me? What do you blow $20 bucks on? Who does Powerball and never wins?
Who "Buys" water in those little sports bottles everyday? What about Seattle's Best Coffee and Starbucks?
A grande Mocha doesn't last as long as a RASS and doesn't tast as good either.
I have to stop now...I could go on fer ever....