Who's braving the cold?

We get like one decent night a week to smoke here in Kuwait, it is getting COLD...deserts should not get this COLD...haha, smoking a Diesel Shorty as I type...


Thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country.
Southen california and i have a outside man cave complete with fire place. So on those really cold nights (40 degrees), I will throw in a log or two for heat.
Was rainy and snowy here last night, but we went over a friend's house who has a two car garage which we smoked in. I now need to build myself a garage of respectable size. We have one, but it barely fits the Toyota Highlander that sits in it right now with a dead battery...
Fortunately for me its only 60 degrees here in Katy! I guess that's one upside to living where you can always wear shorts and a t-shirt. On those few cold nights (40 degrees) I usually head for the warm haven of my garage. :rolleyes:
Having a garage heater is nice for so many things. I've got a great workshop, the cars don't get frost on them, I can keep a fridge/freezer out there year round (with lots of beer of course), I don't have to worry about storing things that shouldn't get cold. And best of all I have a comfortable place to enjoy a cigar when it's 20 below outside.