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Who should I interview?


New Member
Oct 4, 2007
I'm setting up my next batch of podcasts, I'd be interested in knowing who you would like to hear an interview with?

If you're not familiar with my podcast, I interview manufactures almost exclusively. So, tell me who to book next!
Don Jose Garcia Peoin. :thumbs:
Kaizad Hansotia should be interesting.
I would suggest Jorge Padron.

He is confident, well-spoken, EXTREMELY personable, and very proud of his product.
I asked him this question last month: "How would the opening of Cuba affect Padron cigar production and popularity."
You will be surprised by his response. -I was.

-C&G... aka. "Kellito"
Kaizad Hansotia should be interesting.

x2. You don't hear much, at least very frequently, from this man. Would be interesting.

Also, I would think John Oliva, Jr. who is a member here would provide yet another, slightly different, aspect of the industry...and he's definitely one hell of a knowledgable BOTL.
would it be unspeakably tacky to offer up myself? :whistling:
Own one of the smallest, oldest, quietest vertically integrated (breed, grow, process, blend and roll our own cigars) boutique manufacturing operations in the industry.
If you're interested,
Paul Magier
Puros de Armando Ramos, Ltd.
would it be unspeakably tacky to offer up myself? :whistling:
Own one of the smallest, oldest, quietest vertically integrated (breed, grow, process, blend and roll our own cigars) boutique manufacturing operations in the industry.
If you're interested,
Paul Magier
Puros de Armando Ramos, Ltd.

First response....ummmmm, yes.

Second response....hmmmmm, tell us some more (in another thread).
An idea outside of manufacturers: George Wong. He was interviewed in the last edition of C.A. This guy has over 5000 boxes of cigars, and I'm not talking Camacho and Perdomo here. I doubt it would be easy to set-up, but worth the effort if you could.
would it be unspeakably tacky to offer up myself? :whistling:
Own one of the smallest, oldest, quietest vertically integrated (breed, grow, process, blend and roll our own cigars) boutique manufacturing operations in the industry.
If you're interested,
Paul Magier
Puros de Armando Ramos, Ltd.

First response....ummmmm, yes.

Second response....hmmmmm, tell us some more (in another thread).
He's the guy behind the Pinar pre-embargo cigars.
Min Ron Nee, even though i've heard he does'nt like the media, it would be interesting. :thumbs:
Don Jose Garcia Peoin. :thumbs:

Just make sure you either speak fluent Spanish, or have an interpiter.

I would suggest Jorge Padron.

He is confident, well-spoken, EXTREMELY personable, and very proud of his product.

-C&G... aka. "Kellito"

He and Pete Johnson would be nice cigar personalites to hear from................Both very personable, down to earth people. :thumbs:
Chirstian Eiroa of Camacho
Nestor Miranda of Miami Cigar
Charlie Torano of Torano Cigars
Jesus Fuego of Fuego Cigars
would it be unspeakably tacky to offer up myself? :whistling:

Yes, but I'm not surprised to see you doing it.

Heather, as was mentioned above, John Oliva, Jr. would be a great choice.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll start looking into these interviews.

As a note: I did Charlie Torano just a few episodes ago, and I've got several requests into Pete Johnson. I'll keep you guys posted as to who will be on next!
I did Charlie Torano just a few episodes ago
How was he? (yuk yuk)

I apologize, but someone HAD to say it! If it wasn't me it'd be some other jackass! (yes YOU!)
In all honesty I think it's great that you take suggestions like this, very dynamic! I'm going to have to check out your show! Would you mind tossing a link out there when the new stuff comes out?