As for the CC, I've been in discussions about this before and never really got a definitive answer.
When you take into account all the cigars they produce and import, where are these facilities located? Is there one at each factory?....or a central location that handles this task before importation. They would have to be quite large. This is the same country that could just about repair or replace the ramshackle tobacco field curing barns and storage buildings after the hurricanes last year.
There would have to be some very large freezing warehouses to handle this task and at a cost that would be in the millions when you factor in their year around warm climate. Then there is the time involved to properly freeze them. If all these cigars are loaded on pallets, it would take some time for the inner most boxes to reach the proper temperature to be effective in killing the beetle larva. This would have to be properly monitored to guarantee the freezing was successful.
I would like to hear from out Canadian, Pacific & European brothers who may have traveled there to comment on this, if only to say that they saw these facilities in working order.