moki said:
That's ugly.
So, did you repack the real one and smoke it?

BTW, great post. Pleae do some more.
moki said:
cvmfour said:Good post Andrew :thumbs: I think this was just a by-product of something and he wanted to get down to the truth.
SeanGAR said:Great post Moki .. thanks!
Do you know if all handmade Cubans are entubar rolled (the accordian style)? I've seen that type of rolling in a LGCR5 that I dissected last year.
moki said:SeanGAR said:Great post Moki .. thanks!
Do you know if all handmade Cubans are entubar rolled (the accordian style)? I've seen that type of rolling in a LGCR5 that I dissected last year.
Well, entubar is different, instead of accordion-style book folding, the individual leaves are literally rolled into tubes. All Fuentes are rolled entubar.
Echeck said:Know your vendor and none of this matters. There are tons of discrepancies with any product from Cuba.
That saying, the one cigar on the right is way too long, if the cigar on the left is the right length.
Bands, rows of dots, coloration means jack S--t. Know your vendor.
Echeck said:Know your vendor and none of this matters. There are tons of discrepancies with any product from cuba.
That saying, the one cigar on the right is way too long, if the cigar on the left is the right legnth.
Bands, rows of dots, coloration means jack S--t. Know your vendor.
Ironworker said:Echeck said:Know your vendor and none of this matters. There are tons of discrepancies with any product from Cuba.
That saying, the one cigar on the right is way too long, if the cigar on the left is the right length.
Bands, rows of dots, coloration means jack S--t. Know your vendor.
I couldn't disagree more. While there may be discrepancies with Cuban products I don't belive there is with the embossing of bands, fonts, colors and other distinctive character traits that Cohiba or other MFG uses on their products.
Nobody knows a vendor when they use them for the first time. Sometimes your usual vendor may not have the smokes your looking for or you try a new vendor because someone recommended them to you.
It's this type of post that makes us all more aware of what these scam artist are using and their latest techniques.
How do you know your vendor? Have you ever went to your vendors shop, place of business? NO, so unless a vendor is in my country and I could physically drive to his place of business I still buy with caution. I trust no one.
Bands,Rows of dots and coloration mean everything to me. Its all I have.