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Where does everyone's name come from?

Mine is also a "no brainer" I prefer Opus X cigars to any others, and I am Mexican. Opus meX........ :)
My first name's Tom, and 36 is my lucky number. Most things I have tried to register on, Tom36 is already taken, so I spelled it out, and it kinda stuck.
Made mine up one day trying to think of a character name for a video game I was playing. Everything I had tried was taken till I looked around the room and saw an ad on the newspaper for a building company.

I dropped the 'u' and tried Bilder. Been using that handle since then, about 11 years now.

Found out later that bilder is a swedish word for picture.
I was pretty mischievous when I was younger. My Grandpa always called me a "little bastard" because of that. When I got online several years ago and needed a nickname I decided to use that, but I had to change the spelling of the word 'bastard' for the sensibilities of Yahoo. Remembering "Johnny Dangerously" (one of my favorite movies) I took the new spelling. Of course I now know I spelled it incorrectly from the movie, but it stuck.

I pretty much always get this name everywhere I go and it's pretty distinct. A lot of folks think I'm a big James Dean fan or something. I am a fan of his work, but not enough of one to adopt his moniker.

So basically, my Grandpa gave me the name, I just changed the spelling a bit to lighten things up.
My wife and I, plus 4 kids ranging in age from 16 to 5, crossed the Atlantic on a 42' sailboat, just over 10 years ago. We cruised 7,500 nautical miles.

When we were completing the yacht, family and friends continually asked us where we were going, we always answered, >>> "infinity">>>. We named her "Infinity". She looked after us, on occasion, taking us through storms with swells taller than buildings.

My handle is an affectionate tribute to "Infinity"

After the wonderful definition of Brian's handle, it's only appropriate that I go next.

I lived in the Canton neighborhood of Baltimore, MD for 5 years. Well, I had a few friends that enjoying frequenting windowless establishments. You know, they enjoyed supporting local single moms.

Long story short, their favorite spot (which happened to be a stone's throw away) was the Ritz Cabaret (http://www.newritz.com/index2.html).

After more than a few drunken nights at the Ritz, we all coined "alter-egos" for one another. Mine...BobbyRitz. Somehow it has stuck with me. :laugh:
I read a lot of Irish history. Fenians were those who opposed and rebelled against British rule in Ireland. 1798 was the date of a famous failed uprising in Wexford, where Irish nationalists, both Catholic and Protestant, fought against British soldiers with nothing but pikes and spears.
I found out when I was in the Navy during one of many morning swims in 45 degree water is that my skin turns a curious shade of blue. My shipmates started calling me Smurfie. Later, when we were assigned personal callsigns (kind of like the pilots), I got Smurf. Single syllables were the rule since dumbass sailors had trouble with big words. I didn't like it one bit, but I was stuck. I did manage to get it upgraded to NullSmurf, null meaning "not". It was the best I could do.
Mine started in Texas when I got to Fort Hood and the Signal Officer misspelled my name in the system and instead of Bickett it said Brickett.

Soon thereafter everyone was calling me "Brick" which turned into Brickhouse due to the song.

There ya have it.
Well, the first parts easy, my first initial and last name. Yes, that's my real name. The numbers are from my roll number for my fraternity, Theta Xi. Easy...

---John Holmes...
I was listening to Captain Beefheart when I decided to join up here and figured swaping "Leaf" for "Beef" was appropriate.
I do often think of changing my handle but I'm afraid I would then squander all the good will and friends I've established with my existing name. ;)

Who the hell was my Secret Santa?!!!
So you're saying ppl think you have big tits? ???

I'm hoping they started the song thing because of the "Brick" part, not because I fit the part, hehe.

But who knows, I do have a nice rack :thumbs:
SAY NO MORE!! Nudge nudge, wink wink!
So you're saying ppl think you have big tits? ???

I'm hoping they started the song thing because of the "Brick" part, not because I fit the part, hehe.

But who knows, I do have a nice rack :thumbs:

What the hell's the fuggin millitary coming too?? :0

Your not supposed to tell, especially, if someone dosnt ask!!
Mine was a "stream of consciousness" kinda thing. I just closed my eyes and it was the first word that popped into my head. I thought about it and it made sense to me. I look at life as a giant blender. We're all swirling in the maelstrom and sometimes we rise to the top and other times it's into the blades with us. Vortex is a cool sounding word that describes this maelstrom. :p
I got mine from High-n-tight, my XO, for some reason he thought that I had to get the last word in every conversation :sign: so he nicknamed me Lima Whiskey for last word.
Well Melissa means "honey bee"n greek...but I go by SweetMelissa because of the song Melissa by the Allman Brothers....I mean...how cool was it that they did a SONG about me LOL

LOL! The song was written in '67. Your folks were planning ahead :p

Well Melissa means "honey bee"n greek...but I go by SweetMelissa because of the song Melissa by the Allman Brothers....I mean...how cool was it that they did a SONG about me LOL
