Where did everyone get there humidor from?

Surprised to hear you say this Dan..... I have a few 160 qt coolidors that are far less work than my cabinet.
Ah, I didn't consider age when I said that. I'm forgetful as hell. :confused:
The alarm on my Aristocrat is a godsend for me.
When I had a cooler, I had to make reminders to do the checking, etc. I finally went to Bovedas which helped a bit.
Ah, I didn't consider age when I said that. I'm forgetful as hell. :confused:
The alarm on my Aristocrat is a godsend for me.
When I had a cooler, I had to make reminders to do the checking, etc. I finally went to Bovedas which helped a bit.
During the spring, summer, and fall I never do anything in my coolers. During the winter months I might have to touch up the beads two or three times. My cabinet is a once a month thing year round.
I put distilled water in the humidifiers every 2-3 months, change the wicks when they start to discolor (once a year or so). That's it.

Oh, I did tighten the barrier strips where the DC power distribution is, last time I had it away from the wall. As close to 'set and forget' as you can get, IMHO.
I put distilled water in the humidifiers every 2-3 months, change the wicks when they start to discolor (once a year or so). That's it.

Oh, I did tighten the barrier strips where the DC power distribution is, last time I had it away from the wall. As close to 'set and forget' as you can get, IMHO.

That's the difference with mine..... I don't have an Avallo set and forget. I use an Oasis XL that I bought back in 07, supplemented with a pound of beads . I always said that I'd replace it with an Avallo when it gave up the ghost. Wouldn't you know it, the dang POS keeps on going. Even has the original floral foam.
When I decided to get more space, I bought two 28 bottles wine coolers (NewAir AW-281E) and they worked great for a while... Then I ran out of space again and purchased the Aristocrat Humidor MX from one of the members here and so far so good.
I have a Staebell 'set and forget'.....works amazing. Oh, I did send my controller back this year to the manufacturer for calibration. Less than a hundred bucks for a full cal with certs, new control relays. I'm a happy guy....
I'm an Avallo cabinet man myself. Fewer exotic wood choices than Staebell, a bit less expensive but same overall quality. Plus it comes with his set and forget humidifier.
I have two large coolerdors and a nice desktop. The desktop doubles as a kind of "drybox", but that's another ball 'o wax. My system allows for more than one rh because I enjoy many types of cigars and I'm picky about getting the perfect rh for each type. Lower rh for Nicaraguan and Cuban and a bit higher for Dominicans and long term aging. I leave certain special cigars in the dryer desktop for those that benefit from it, IMHO, just prior to smoking.
[QUOTE="tomthirtysix, post: 1203941
Thanks I never considered converting a wine fridge I'll definately look into that as well
I got my last on from cheaphumidor.com. Pretty decent range. I am quite picky about design :P.
I recently order one of these http://wineadors.com/cabinet-humidors.html
Haven't received it yet. I needed to step it up, because my hoarding instincts are kicking in. I wonder how long this will last me.
Dang, those are nice, for the money. I wish he had a bit more info on materials, etc. but based on looks alone, seems spiffy.

I have an Aristocrat, but still nice to know available options.
I had the whynter cigar cooler 1.2 cubic ft (model: chc-120s) and recently upgraded to the whynter cigar cooler 2.5 cubic ft (model: Chc-251s). I love the temp control since I live in SoCal and temps in summer can hit high. I have had zero problems with them.
Bob Staebell Aristocrat plus DX or MX (can't recall which)
48" tall, 36" wide, 18" deep.
Temperature controlled, dark cherry oak, glass door with etching. Separate accessory drawer and a large singles drawer.
Best $4500 investment ever. Two month wait time, built to hopefully outlast my life.
Works flawlessly. Refill large tanks (2) once to twice a year. Replace wicks once a year. Rest runs on autopilot. I do rotate stock once a year. P
Bob Staebell Aristocrat plus DX or MX (can't recall which)
48" tall, 36" wide, 18" deep.
Temperature controlled, dark cherry oak, glass door with etching. Separate accessory drawer and a large singles drawer.
Best $4500 investment ever. Two month wait time, built to hopefully outlast my life.
Works flawlessly. Refill large tanks (2) once to twice a year. Replace wicks once a year. Rest runs on autopilot. I do rotate stock once a year. P

Not gonna lie, I'm jelly.

Beautiful work of art.
I have an old mini fridge that I cleaned out and converted into my fridgidor. I use 1 lb (total) of Heartfelt beads spread out on each level. The only drawback is that I don't have proper bottom-vented drawers, so every time I'm in there I rotate my stock of loose sticks in open boxes. I don't mess with the cigars in their factory boxes, and I've never had a problem with humidity or burn with any of them.

*Edited to add clarification on amount of beads present.
Last October on my local CL I found a used but beautiful N'Finity 170 bottle wine cooler. I wish I could post pics, but right now I can't. It is 6' tall, 26" wide and 28" deep. It has 14 slotted wooden shelves and it's the best $275 I have ever spent. It's a dual zone, but has a compressor and sucks all the Rh out when I use the cooling. So I just don't use the cooling. For Rh control I have 10# of silica kitty litter and 2# of Heartfelt beads scattered throughout. The bottom stays at 65rh and the top stays at 63rh. This winter I have spritzed with distilled water twice when it begins to drop. I added a small battery operated fan to gently keep the air moving.

I also have a nice 100ct wood humidor that I keep my CC's in and I have it loaded with 10 large 62rh boveda packs and it stays a rock steady 62. Overkill yes, but I had them and figured I would use them and you can't use too many.

I was concerned at first with not being able to use the cooling, but we keep the house at 72f year round so I froze everything for 95 hours and freeze everything that comes in before adding them to the mix to lower the chance of a beetle hatch.

I have progressed from a tupperdor, adding the humidor, then to a 70qt cooler or the the N'Finity. And I will never fill it up. Anyway, that been how the hobby has progressed and how I got my storage. Google N'Finity 170 if you are interested.
I have so much envy going on that it took me 24 hours just to post WOW!!!!