Where did everyone get there humidor from?


New Member
Feb 3, 2016
Serious question I am wondering where did you guys and gals get your humidors from. I am on the market for another one and I was wondering where did everyone get there's from?
Look at brands / makers, then find a deal. What size are you looking for?
Definitely depends on the size you are looking for and how much you want to spend...
Aristocrat Humidor MX from from Bob Staebell & Assoc. I have been very pleased with craftsmanship and service. They have all kinds of sizes.
You can also search ammodor on this site if you want something unique.
I am looking for 300+ a large or cabinet size price wise any from cheaper to expensive I am just looking around for a nice size one to start collecting and aging
If you want to age, the more stable the environment (Temp and RH), the better.
If you want 300+, you're moving into cabinet territory or a coolerdor.
I know folks who age in several large coolers, but it takes a bit more attention than a cabinet.

Aristocrat is pretty well respected for cabinets. I have one, and have no complaints. He offers active humidification which is pretty sweet too. Bob Staebell is the owner. Check out their website. I can't speak for other cabinet type humidors.

What type of cigars do you plan on aging?
What is it about aging that appeals to you?
Have you smoked fresh and aged counterparts?

That is a whole other crap shoot that has been discussed quite a bit on this site. Do some searches. Buying a thousand bucks worth of cigars that you love now, and aging them 5 years to find out you hate them aged is not fun.

There are a lot of ideas on aging. For instance, there are schools of thought that say some cigars rolled using extensively aged tobacco will not age gracefully, going flat in time.
Some will say that cigars rolled using relatively young tobacco, will fair better, or may or may not age well. Folks who have a lot of experience with Cuban Cigars may have opinions on which marcas are best bets, etc.

Do some reading on this site to make a more informed decision on aging.
The one I had built was for a specific space we had in the previous home. If I had it to do over again, now that I have room, I'd 'go large' and get an MXT Plus or do a walk in.

Bob's humidors are so nice, work so well, that I have no desire to use anything else. They are perfect examples of the "buy once, cry once" paradigm....
Mine's tall, like a phone booth. Looks very similar to Bob's "Majestic" line of cabinets. I get a point or so of RH variation from top to bottom. I also realized a while back it doesn't matter in the least......:cool:

If it looks anything like a blue police box, that would be awesome, because it would be much bigger on the inside.
If you're looking for something that size, I think you've got three options: cooler, wine fridge, or custom cabinet. All three have their pros and cons. It will come down to a matter of your budget and which works for you aesthetically. My humidor now is a converted wine fridge I got from thinde (who posted above about his cabinet), and I could not be happier with it. Budget / space / looks it worked perfectly for me.
I know folks who age in several large coolers, but it takes a bit more attention than a cabinet.

Surprised to hear you say this Dan..... I have a few 160 qt coolidors that are far less work than my cabinet.