The reply that a mooched cigar is not a gift is a great insight. It has happened to me a few times on the golf course where a fellow member (not necessarily someone I know well enough to consider a friend, just someone I know from seeing around the Club) will approach me and comment about how awesome my cigar smells - asks me what it is and then hints that they would LOVE to try such a great smelling cigar... So far, I'm ok with the scenario - it's what happenes next that gets me....
I gift this guy a cigar (last Friday it was a delicious PSP2!) and then I ask if he needs a cutter and a light --he says NO!!! he is going to take it home and smoke it later !!!!! This is the 2nd time in the last couple of weeks that this same thing has happened with 2 different guys....and this really annoys me.....I'm not this moocher's cigar store provider -- if he wants to smoke the cigar on the course - that I don't have a problem with.....but when he announces he will be taking it home to smoke later ---for some unexplained reason --that action bothers me !!!!
One of my buddies in my normal Friday foursome said he will get a sign made up for my bag that shows a lit cigar and the words....NO MOOCHING ALLOWED !!!!