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When it's not alright to pass 'gas' in cars

works best in a car wash with the heat at full blast on a summer day....not that i have ever done aything like that...
Always funny , a must do whenever the chance happens. The wife loves it, maybe not but I sure do!!
The perfect ending to a nice spicey breakfast burrito.
When your trying to mask the smell of the cigar you just smoked in the car :blush:

Best Regards
Ahh, reminds me of a time on the way to a paintball tourney with 4 buddies. We were in the truck, (crew cab) driving down a dirt road. It was so dusty that we had to turn the AC off because the car in front of us was kicking up so much dust. Even on recirculate it was coming in the truck.

So, I decided right there that it was the best time in the world to rip a big one. Little did I know, but it just happened to be one of the most foul farts I've ever dropped. Within seconds everyone in the truck was screaming bloody murder. For the next two or three minutes the truck reeked of death, poo, and sulfur. It was awful, even to me.

The moment we got to point where we could get out all 3 fell out of the truck. There were bleery eyes and lots of cursing. A small group witnessed them pile out of the truck, whom we all knew. The first thing i heard "Turk must have farted" Yep, I go by turk in my real life too. Bout half the people whom i've ever met only know me by Turk.

I couldn't do it again. Sure I could fart again, but the timing and potency of the assgas came together like a perfect union of disgusting putrifaction. It was awesome.