When Did Your Collection Become - Smokeable?

My collection became smokeable the moment I bought it. We have no idea when out last breath will be, so enjoy them while you can.
Smoke it now. If you get hit by a bus tomorrow, you'll have wished you smoked that stick. Speaking of which, time to go fire up Monte Sublime and play some craps!
Cigars are for smoking so, I smoke them. I will always smoke my "best" cigars alone or with my friends.

Keeping them to improve them is one thing but, collecting them, they are not baseball cards.
I don't have a cigar collection. I have a bunch of cigars I just haven't gotten around to smoking yet. Same goes for pipe tobacco. I've got a shit-ton of it, but it's not for collecting, it's for future combustion.
I agree with the sentiment of not getting to smoking them yet. I have several that have set execution dates, but other than that I smoke whatever my kids bring out of the humidor that fits the size I'm looking for at the moment.
I used to hold onto my precious sticks, but after losing one friend in a violent line-of-duty death, having a near-death experience myself, and then a divorce? Well, let's just say Brian's philosophy is more true to me this year than any other year in the past.

Most of my Opus 22 is gone and I couldn't be happier.
Most of my stash is available to smoke, any day of the week. I do have a couple of sticks that'll not be smoked until I'm sitting with the brothers that gave them to me. :thumbs: I've got an Opus Maddie that's waiting for a visit with 57Strat! ;) Oh how I miss the "Land of Lincoln" herf! Damn smoking bans!

Floyd T.
Any cigar in my humidor is considered smokeable immediately. Is some cigars better with age, absolutely. But you never can truly appreciate the changes unless you are willing to smoke one at the beginning and having a couple for later on. :thumbs:
Most of my stash is available to smoke, any day of the week. I do have a couple of sticks that'll not be smoked until I'm sitting with the brothers that gave them to me. :thumbs: I've got an Opus Maddie that's waiting for a visit with 57Strat! ;) Oh how I miss the "Land of Lincoln" herf! Damn smoking bans!

Floyd T.

I think that 57strat guy is totally made up, at least till he makes a bay area appearance
I realize I'm in the tiny minority here, and don't expect to convince anyone to change their philosophy on the subject. That being said, if one assumes one has a finite number of cigars in one's collection, if you smoke your best cigar everyday, everyday you smoke a worse cigar than the day before. If you smoke your worst cigar every day, every day you smoke a better cigar than the day before.
I like having something to look forward to.

And what if that "forward" part never comes? To each his own, and I'm not trying to dissuade you from your practice. Your scenario is also assuming you'll never get any better cigars once you've smoked your "best", which I think is a bit of a pessimistic view.

Tomorrow is guaranteed to nobody. To me, the main things I consider when choosing a smoke is whether I'll have the focus and solitude to enjoy a great smoke or whether I'll be amongst a lot of people and the cigar will take a back seat. If I do, I'll grab one, no matter if it's expensive, rare, or whatever.

Cigars aren't for collecting. Internet pr0n, now that's for collecting.

Totally Stolen and my new signature!!!!!
You never know when you will get hit by a truck... So why save anything?
I haven't been at this nearly as long as almost all of you, but my only caveat about picking sticks is that I won't go for some of my more expensive or eagerly anticipated ones unless I can be 100% sure I have the ample time and solitude / appropriate company to enjoy it fully. Especially now during the summer with the kids home and the wife TDY, I may get an hour a day to smoke, but it's certainly not an uninterrupted hour. If you have kids, you understand this. So, I saved the Anejo and the MFLB's and certain others for those rare times. It's not about "saving" it, it's about savoring it. For the daily read smokes I have plenty of CAO's, Indian Tabac Super Fuerte, Puros Indios and other "CI Specials" that I don't mind putting down or tossing if I suddenly have to run inside and tape the kids to opposite ends of the couch or something.
As I have progressed in this culture, I first smoked nothing but cheepies and occasionally was able to get a great stick. Now, I can afford a few more great sticks, but I dont "save" them. I enjoy them. 3 stents and a stroke later tells me tomorrow may never come. As they have and will continue to say.....Smoke 'em if you got em!!! ;)
My cigars have always been smokeable, some better than others. I haven't purchased anything in about a year and my humi is bursting with some incredible smokes. Unfortunately, after a stent and an open heart surgery, the time is near for me to quit smoking. Now I'm making sure that every time my smoke is my "special" cigar. Smoke your best while you can.
Honestly after about a year or so they became smokeable for me. One day I realized I had almost as many, or more "special" cigars than I did every day cigars. At that point I figured it was time to start smoking them. Now there is no cigar I own that isn't a possibility for me to smoke at any time.
If this frigging heat would go I'd even enjoy smoking all the little dog walkers starring at me.