When did you start smoking?

23, my uncle smoked so I decided to give him one and ended up buying one for myself, it was the start of a great thing!

Summer before 8th grade with cigarettes. Once in high school was about a pack a day until I graduated college and then quit cigarettes cold turkey. I always messed around and had a cigar on the golf course but finally bought a humidor around 2002 from a local B&M in Texas where I used to live while still going to school. I now smoke 1-2 cigars per week and only in the Spring and Summer. Maybe a little into the Fall but as soon as it gets cold I'm done and I slip into buying mode for the next Spring.
I smoked cigarettes when camping as a Boy Scout, Winchester cigars at .25 a pack was great on a Junior High Budget. I really started smoking cigars and pipes seriously about 15 years ago. However, I was caught stealing cigars out of my dad's truck when I was maybe five yr old. He smoked Roi Tans. I always enjoyed watching him. My great grandfather smoked a pipe. The smell was awesome. Only in the last year I have become a aficiando want-a-be. I enjoy studying and researching cigar info. Most of all my wife supports me. She enjoys watching me relax with a good smoke.

Purchased a cigar sampler when I was 18, and have been hooked ever since. Always had a fascination with cigars, ever since I can remember.
Being 21 myself and started pipe smoking at the age of 20, I was told by some friends that I was to young to be smoking a pipe or cigar. Frankly I find it better to smoke either of those two then be smoking cigarettes at my age which some of those friends do. So I was wondering how old were you (if you can remember :p) when you started smoking cigars and/or a pipe?

I started smoking at 18. My gf at the time enjoyed the smell and had me try one of her fathers. Ever since then I've been hooked
I was 15 when I tried my first gar. I didn't really get hooked till about 3-4 years ago.
Real cigars on a regular basis started in Nov of 04 when I was on r&r from Iraq. Me and my step dad picked up some Onyx Toro's and I was hooked. Don't care for them as much anymore but they hold a special place in my heart.
I smoked the odd gas station cigar when I was around 16. When I was 18 I bought a Cohiba Robusto for my graduation smoke and I've been sliding downhill ever since.
16 which was in '96; don't tell anyone. :whistling: I have several Cuban friends who started when they were 8. Lucky bastards.
Started smoking cigars back in 1995 at the age of 22. Never did the cigarette thing
I started smoking cigarettes at 14. Quit a couple times then went back. Finally Quit in '98. In '99 heard the General and decided to try stogies. I'm gad I did as now I will never go back to cigs. Now I wish I had started with cigars.
I started smoking cigarettes when I was 13 with some friends. We would smoke cigars from time to time. Smoked cigs until I was 20 and then quit smoking on a regular basis. From 20-27 only smoked when I drank, which was usually every Friday and Saturday night. When I did smoke, it was usually about a pack per drunk.

When I was 28 I hurt my back at work and the pain meds made me want to smoke cigs all the time. Went from smoking while I was drinking to 1 1/2 packs a day. Did that until April 8th of last year (33rd Bday) and started smoking Swisher Cigarillos. Smoked about 5/day until August 23 (10th Wedding Anniversary) when my wife bought me a Padron 64. Been smoking mid-price-range cigars since then. I do manage a top shelf every now and then. Had some nice ones saved up trying to get some age on them, when the storm came through March 3rd and water-logged them.

I was always fascinated with cigars and pipes since I was very young. My Great-Grandfather smoked both and I loved the smell of them. I don't remember what brand of cigars he smoked, but they were perfecto shaped maduro cigars. He always had one in his mouth. If he didn't it was the old pipe. I wish sometimes I could go back in time and have a smoke with him and talk about the good old days. I remember one of the best things he told me "Toddy, (what he called me) a man is only as good as his word. You word is your honor. When you shake hands with a man, look him in the eye, and tell him you are going to do something. Come Hell or high water, you better do it! "

Probably the greatest man I've ever come across in my life. Started smoking non-filtered cigarettes at the age of 8 and died at 98 without ever having a smoking related illness, but you will never hear the "No Smoking" Nazis refer to people like that. He inhaled everything he smoked. Probably smoked 6-8 cigars a day, EVERYDAY!
Gas station specials at 18 (I'm 28 now), cause I saw my father smoking them growing up, then at about 18 and 3 weeks, I found my local shop and have been hooked on fine cigars ever since. Immediately got Dad a nice one to get him away from the 69 cent wonders and created a monster. My humi is not safe when he's in town. :laugh:

Dropped off the cigar map for about 4 years due to a hard dose of real life, and then recently got the itch again.
about 11:30, after the morning cofee, before the evening bevrage............. :laugh:

started "chewing" freshmen year of high school (jan, 1976), skoal on up to "cope", leaf, plug, back woods then a pipe around 1980 in college. cigars kicked in around the late 80's. finally got a good one around 92' smoked till i moved in 99. now back into to it again. there was the occasional one out flyfishing, but all of a sudden...........boooooom. now trying to catch up after all those years.

Had my first cigar a La Corona at the age of 17 in the summer 1996. Never really into cigaretts and machine made cigars; I had a few here and there before moving head first into handmade cigars. :love: