I was 17, and it was the second semester of my senior year in HS (1988). Me and a bunch of buddies were drinkin' beer at another guy's house. We were raidin' the fridge for stuff to BBQ (This dude's dad was loaded. He always had steaks in the fridge). We find some steaks, and in looking for the BBQ tongs in the garage, we found his dad's humi. We called Mike over, and he said, "sure, have one. My dad gets those all of the time."
So, we started smoking these sticks, (I don't remember the name, they were naked) and Mike was a pro. He said he and his dad had smoked cigars together since he was a freshman. Anyway, about 1 AM, his pop rolls in. We clean up the mess, throw on another steak for him and he begins to teach us how to smoke. "Draw slowly, do not inhale, hold the smoke, and exhale through your nose and mouth slowly to taste the tobacco."
Well, that was 16.5 years ago. Every once in a while I will stop by Mike's dad's place to drop off a few smokes and see if the old man is still kickin'. His wife won't let him smoke them at the house anymore so when we can, we'll pick him up and take him to the local sports bar. A very cool old man.
As for Mike, he and I hook up about once every 2 weeks for a beer and a stogie.
M. Gipson